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Created November 25, 2013 21:33
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class Land_HBarrier_large;
class Land_HBarrier5: Land_HBarrier_large
model = "\ca\misc2\HBarrier5.p3d";
icon = "\Ca\misc2\data\Icons\icon_hescoBarrier5_ca.paa";
mapSize = 7;
displayName = "H-barrier";
GhostPreview = "Land_HBarrier5Preview";
class Land_BagFenceCorner;
class Land_BagFenceRound: Land_BagFenceCorner
model = "\ca\misc2\BagFenceRound.p3d";
icon = "\Ca\misc3\data\Icons\icon_fortBagFenceRound_ca.paa";
displayName = "Bag Fence (round)";
vehicleClass = "Fortifications";
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