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Last active December 2, 2024 02:37
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const std = @import("std");
const assert = std.debug.assert;
const cache_line = std.atomic.cache_line;
const AtomicUsize = std.atomic.Atomic(usize);
const Ordering = std.atomic.Ordering;
const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator;
// A modified version of Dmitry Vyukov's bounded MPMC queue,
// adapted for single-consumer usage:
// Most notably, allowing only a single thread to receive at
// the same time greatly simplifies the dequeue logic and
// removes the need for some atomic operations.
/// A bounded MPSC queue storing `T` values.
pub fn Queue(comptime T: type) type {
return struct {
// Index into the buffer at which the next element
// to enqueue should be placed.
// Must be masked with `buffer_mask`.
enqueue_pos: AtomicUsize align(cache_line),
// Index into the buffer from which the next element
// should be obtained, if present.
// Must be masked with `buffer_mask`.
dequeue_pos: usize align(cache_line),
// A buffer of queue slots at which values can be
// placed. A sequential stamp indicates if a slot
// currently holds a value.
slots: [*]Slot,
// Bit mask for masking enqueue/dequeue positions
// and advancing slot stamps after every usage.
slots_mask: usize,
// The allocator used to allocate the slot list.
// Kept for later resource cleanup.
alloc: Allocator,
/// A Queue slot.
const Slot = struct {
sequence: AtomicUsize,
value: T = undefined,
const Self = @This();
/// Creates a new instance of the Queue with a given
/// capacity.
/// The `alloc` argument is used once to allocate
/// `capacity` value slots. No subsequent allocations
/// will ever happen.
/// `.deinit()` must be called later to free the
/// occupied resources.
/// `capacity` must be at least 2 and a power of two.
pub fn init(alloc: Allocator, capacity: usize) !Self {
assert(capacity >= 2 and std.math.isPowerOfTwo(capacity));
var slots = try alloc.alloc(Slot, capacity);
for (slots) |*slot, index| {
slot.* = .{ .sequence = AtomicUsize.init(index) };
return .{
.enqueue_pos = AtomicUsize.init(0),
.dequeue_pos = 0,
.slots = slots.ptr,
.slots_mask = capacity - 1,
.alloc = alloc,
/// Frees the resources occupied by this Queue.
pub fn deinit(self: Self) void {[0..self.len()]);
/// Gets the capacity of the Queue, i.e. how many
/// elements it can store at once.
pub fn len(self: *const Self) usize {
// We subtracted 1 from capacity during type
// construction. Thus, this never overflows.
return self.slots_mask + 1;
/// Attempts to push a value into the Queue, returning
/// whether the operation was successful.
pub fn tryPush(self: *Self, value: T) bool {
var pos = self.enqueue_pos.load(.Monotonic);
while (true) {
const slot = &self.slots[pos & self.slots_mask];
const cmp = @bitCast(isize, slot.sequence.load(.Acquire) -% pos);
if (cmp == 0) {
// Stamp value matches enqueue position;
// we can attempt to claim this slot.
if (self.enqueue_pos.tryCompareAndSwap(pos, pos +% 1, .Monotonic, .Monotonic)) |old| {
pos = old;
} else {
// We claimed the slot, store our value.
slot.value = value; +% 1, .Release);
return true;
} else if (cmp < 0) {
// Stamp value is smaller than enqueue position;
// slot is currently filled so we can't touch it.
return false;
} else {
// Stamp value is greater than enqueue position;
// we raced with another producer that has already
// claimed the slot so we need to retry.
pos = self.enqueue_pos.load(.Monotonic);
/// Attempts to pop the next value off the queue.
/// Returns `null` when the Queue does not store
/// any elements currently.
/// Only one concurrent caller allowed at any time!
pub fn tryPop(self: *Self) ?T {
var pos = self.dequeue_pos;
const slot = &self.slots[pos & self.slots_mask];
pos +%= 1;
// If stamp is ahead of dequeue position by one,
// we can take the value from the slot.
const stamp = slot.sequence.load(.Acquire);
if (stamp == pos) {
// Advance dequeue position to next slot.
self.dequeue_pos = pos;
// Advance the sequence count to mark the
// slot as unoccupied.
const value = slot.value; +% self.slots_mask, .Release);
return value;
} else {
return null;
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StarrFox commented Jan 5, 2023

nice zig code vale

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