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Vítor De Araújo vbuaraujo

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// ==UserScript==
// @name unfix-all-the-toolbars
// @namespace
// @include *
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
// Based on
vbuaraujo / unfix-all-the-toolbars.user.js
Last active September 27, 2024 11:26
GreaseMonkey script to remove "position: fixed" from webpages
// ==UserScript==
// @name unfix-all-the-toolbars
// @description Removes "position: fixed" style from elements, unfixing "toolbars" and the such.
// @namespace
// @include *
// @version 1
// @grant none
// ==/UserScript==
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://) {
* {
color: white !important;
background: black !important;
font-family: Fixed !important;
body {
font-size: 18px !important;
vbuaraujo / white-on-black.css
Created September 11, 2015 16:17
User style for fixed font, white text and black background.
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://),
url-prefix(about:sessionrestore), url-prefix(about:newtab) {
* {
color: white !important;
background: black !important;
font-family: Fixed, monospace !important;
body {
font-size: 18px !important;
vbuaraujo / Makefile
Last active June 5, 2016 17:05
stitchcounter (from @manuel_uberti)
# -J generates the module's import file, which is necessary for CHICKEN
# to know which bindings are available in the module. I compiled each file
# separately, but you could have just run 'csc -J *.scm' instead (as long
# as the files were provided in order, I guess, since to compile
# stitchcounter.scm you need the imports file from io-utils).
csc -c -J io-utils.scm
csc -c -J stitchcounter.scm
csc io-utils.o stitchcounter.o
@-moz-document url-prefix(http://), url-prefix(https://), url-prefix(file://),
url-prefix(about:sessionrestore), url-prefix(about:newtab)
* {
color: white !important;
background: black !important;
font-family: Fixed !important;
font-size: 18px !important; /* force everything to use the same size */
letter-spacing: 0px !important;
Sorry, something went wrong. Reload?
Sorry, we cannot display this file.
Sorry, this file is invalid so it cannot be displayed.
;;;; Restore the *Completions* window behavior of Emacs 24.
;; Based on
;; UPDATE: Turns out my previous solution could be radically simplified;
;; I was just using the wrong order for the 'display-buffer-*' functions.
(add-to-list 'display-buffer-alist
;; scgi.scm - An example SCGI server in Guile.
;; SCGI ( is a
;; protocol for web servers (such as Apache and NGINX) to communicate with
;; application servers. The idea is similar to CGI, but instead of the server
;; running a new process with your application for each request, the
;; application runs continuously as an SCGI server, and the web server passes
;; requests to it (via a TCP port, or a Unix domain socket, for example). For
;; each request, the application sends a response back to the web server,
;; which will then get served to the client.
class Promise(object):
def __init__(self, worker=None):
# A promise may be 'pending' or fulfilled. If it's fulfilled, then it
# may be 'resolved' or 'rejected'.
self.status = 'pending'
# After it's fulfilled, it has a value.
self.value = None
# Before it's fulfilled, computations waiting on the value of the
# promise are queued for execution when it gets fulfilled (either
# resolved or rejected).