As a prerequisite, the latest version of node.js must be installed. For Ubuntu users, the following link may help :
Then, from the project's root folder:
npm install
sudo npm install -g grunt-cli
That's Grunt which builds the project's distributables. It is configured to work in 3 steps :
- compile : generates HTML, JS and CSS files and copy the images into
- minify : minifies / uglifies everything into
- dist : creates a zip archive into the
By default, Grunt executes the minify task.
While developping, grunt watch
will re-execute any needed task on the fly when the source code is modified.
Here is an example :
Have fun !
There's no HTML. Instead, there's a main.mustache which is rendered as main.html
There no CSS as well. We use the Stylus preprocessor to make them.
There are JS files, but they are organised as modules. And, at the end, there's only 1 JS file in the bundle. That's the job of Webmake to assemble those. Its syntax is pretty close to node.js, so it should be of no surprise.
Step 1. Ensure that all the code is committed and actually works.
Step 2. Remove "-SNAPSHOT" from the version number in the package.json file. e.g.:
"version": "1.0.0-SNAPSHOT"
"version": "1.0.0"
Step 3. Commit the change with a message like version: 1.0.0
and create a tag with the same version number. e.g.:
git tag 1.0.0
That's a good time to make the distributable archive :
grunt dist
Step 4. Increase the version number and put the "-SNAPSHOT" back again. Commit the result.
Step 5. Push the changes along with the tags :
git push --tags
you can also install grunt locally :