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Rick van de Loo vdloo

  • Amsterdam, the Netherlands
  • X @vdloo_
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# Note that this is very bad 'weekend project'
# Python and is not at all representative
# of how things should be programmed in any
# serious environment.
# This is snake on an ESP8266 with this
# I2C oled (I got it from here
# and an analog joystick (mine is from here
# Because the ESP8266 only has one analog
# The vagrant/provisioning/ shell provisioner script can not finish because of the PrivateDevices=no issue.
# To work around it until we fix that in the box you can comment out the varnish restart and not load the nocache vcl
# in that script but do it manually later.
# # remove the restart from
# sed -i 's/service varnish restart/echo "not (re)starting varnish"/g' vagrant/provisioning/
# 'Enable' varnish in the settings so it does not try to load the nocache vcl
vdloo / fibint.scm
Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
Fibonacci in finite fields, in racket
#!/usr/bin/env racket
#lang racket
(define (addmod a b p)
(if (> (- p b) a)
(+ a b)
(- (+ a b) p)
vdloo /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:02 — forked from ruuda/
unset MAILTO
while getopts d:t:f: option
case "${option}"
d) DIRECTORY=${OPTARG};; # Directory to scrub