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Forked from philfreo/gist:7257723
Created November 1, 2013 00:40
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use Mysql;
use strict;
use vars qw($school_name);
use vars qw($pass);
require "./";
#do "./";
do "../";
my (%input, $text, $field);
my @rawCookies = split (/; /,$ENV{'HTTP_COOKIE'});
my %cookies;
my ($key, $val) = split (/=/,$_);
$cookies{$key} = $val;
my $id = $input{id};
my $user = $input{user};
my $code = $input{code};
my $course = 0;#$input{course};
my @node;
my @edge;
#my $db_data = Mysql->connect("", "login", "mark", $pass);
my $db_data = Mysql->connect("$cookies{host}", "$cookies{db}", "mark", $pass);
my $map;
if ($ENV{'HTTP_HOST'} =~ m/^(.*)\.thefacebook\.com/) {
$map = $1;
my $cookie_host = $cookies{host};
my $cookie_db = $cookies{db};
my $sql = "SELECT * FROM school_data where map='$map'";
my $retval = $db_data->query($sql);
my %rs = $retval->fetchhash();
my $host = $rs{ip};
my $dbname = $rs{db};
#my $sql = "INSERT INTO viz (user,map,host,db) VALUES ('$user', '$map','$host', '$dbname')";
my $db = Mysql->connect($host, $dbname, "mark", $pass);
#my $db = Mysql->connect("", "facebook", "mark", $pass);
my $retval; my $sql;
my %privacy;
my $num_degrees = 1;
my @already_expanded;
my %cs;
sub morph {
my ($number) = @_;
return ((((($number % 7) * 13) % 17) * 19) % 23);
sub share_course {
my ($user1, $user2) = @_;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM course as course1, course as course2 WHERE " .
" = '$user1' AND = '$user2' AND course1.course_id = course2.course_id";
$retval = $db->query($sql);
my %rs = $retval->fetchhash();
return $rs{count};
sub is_one_degree {
my ($user1, $user2) = @_;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM friend WHERE user1 = '$user1' AND user2 = '$user2'";
$retval = $db->query($sql);
my %rs = $retval->fetchhash();
return $rs{count};
sub is_two_degrees {
#my ($user1, $user2) = @_;
#$sql = "SELECT count(*) as count FROM friend as f1, friend as f2 " .
# "WHERE f1.user1 = '$user1' AND f1.user2 = f2.user1 AND f2.user2 = '$user2'";
#my %rs = $retval->fetchhash();
#return $rs{count};
return 0;
sub is_three_degrees {
#my ($user1, $user2) = @_;
return 0;
sub can_see {
my ($user, $id, $type) = @_;
if ($user eq $id) { return 1; }
$sql = "SELECT house, year, " . $type . "_domain, " . $type . "_type, " .
$type . "_allow FROM info WHERE = '$id'";
$retval = $db->query($sql);
my %control = $retval->fetchhash();
my $allow = $control{$type . '_allow'};
my $domain = $control{$type . '_domain'};
my $privacy_type = $privacy{$type};
if (($domain eq "" or ($privacy{email} =~ m/$domain$/)) and
($control{$type . '_type'} =~ m/-$privacy_type/)) {
if ($allow =~ m/-1/) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-2/) and $privacy{year} eq $control{year}) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-3/) and $privacy{house} eq $control{house}) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-4/) and share_course($user, $id)) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-5/) and is_one_degree($user, $id)) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-6/) and is_two_degrees($user, $id)) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
} elsif (($allow =~ m/-7/) and is_three_degrees($user, $id)) {
$cs{$id} = 1;
return 1;
return 0;
sub find_node {
my ($id, $type) = @_;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @node; $i++) {
if ($node[$i]{id} eq $id and $node[$i]{type} eq $type) {
return $i;
return -1;
sub find_connections {
my ($this, $degree, $is_course) = @_;
my ($type, $type_id);
if (!$is_course) {
$already_expanded[@already_expanded] = $this;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM friend WHERE user1 = '$this' LIMIT 0, 200";
$type = "friend";
$type_id = 1;
} else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM course WHERE course_id = '$this'";
$type = "course";
$type_id = 0;
my $return = $db->query($sql);
while (my %row = $return->fetchhash()) {
my $new_id;
if (!$is_course) {
# get the new id from the friend pair
#if ($row{user1} eq $this) {
# $new_id = $row{user2};
#} else {
# $new_id = $row{user1};
$new_id = $row{user2};
} else {
$new_id = $row{id};
if ($degree > $num_degrees or $cs{$new_id} or can_see($user, $new_id, $type)) {
# see if the id is already a node; if not, add it
my $node_exists = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @node and !$node_exists; $i++) {
if ($node[$i]{id} eq $new_id and $node[$i]{type} eq 1) {
$node_exists = 1;
if (!$node_exists and $degree <= $num_degrees) {
my $next_node = @node;
$node[$next_node]{id} = $new_id;
$node[$next_node]{type} = 1;
# see if there's an edge between the two already; if not, add it
if ($node_exists or $degree <= $num_degrees) {
my $edge_exists = 0;
my $this_index = find_node ($this, $type_id);
my $new_index = find_node ($new_id, 1);
for (my $i = 0; $i < @edge and !$edge_exists; $i++) {
if (($edge[$i][0] eq $this_index and $edge[$i][1] eq $new_index) or
($edge[$i][0] eq $new_index and $edge[$i][1] eq $this_index)) {
$edge_exists = 1;
if (!$edge_exists) {
my $next_edge = @edge;
$edge[$next_edge][0] = $this_index;
$edge[$next_edge][1] = $new_index;
# if we want to consider friends farther out, do so now
if ($degree < $num_degrees + 1) {
my $expansion_exists = 0;
for (my $i = 0; $i < @already_expanded and !$expansion_exists; $i++) {
if ($already_expanded[$i] eq $new_id) {
$expansion_exists = 1;
if (!$expansion_exists) {
if (!$is_course or can_see ($user, $new_id, "friend")) {
find_connections ($new_id, $degree + 1, 0);
sub identify_nodes {
for (my $i = 0; $i < @node; $i++) {
if ($node[$i]{type}) {
$sql = "SELECT name FROM info WHERE id = '" . $node[$i]{id} . "'";
} else {
$sql = "SELECT name FROM course_list WHERE id = '" . $node[$i]{id} . "'";
$retval = $db->query($sql);
my %row = $retval->fetchhash();
$node[$i]{name} = $row{name};
if ($code == &morph($user) and &can_see($user, $id, "friend")) {
# figure out what's going into the graph
$sql = "SELECT email, house, year FROM info WHERE = '$user'";
$retval = $db->query($sql);
%privacy = $retval->fetchhash();
$node[0]{id} = $id;
if ($course) {
$node[0]{type} = 0;
} else {
$node[0]{type} = 1;
find_connections ($id, 1, $course);
identify_nodes ();
# generate the graph file
my $o;
my $outfile = "/tmp/thefacebook-$id-graph-" . time();
open $o, "> $outfile";
# headers
print $o "graph g {\n";
print $o "start=\"yes\"\n";
print $o "size=\"20,20\"\n";
print $o "page=\"20,20\"\n";
print $o "maxiter=1000\n";
print $o "resolution=100\n";
print $o "center=true\n";
print $o "bgcolor=white\n";
print $o "title=\"A Graph\"\n";
# nodes
print $o "node [shape=box,fontname=\"Tahoma\",style=filled]\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @node; $i++) {
my $name = $node[$i]{name};
$name =~ s/[^A-Z0-9'. ]//gi;
my ($red, $green, $blue);
do {
$red = int(rand() * 201);
$green = int(rand() * 201);
$blue = int(rand() * 56) + 200;
} while ($red + $green + $blue < 400);
my $extra = "";
if ($i eq 0) {
$extra = ",fontsize=32,label=\"$name\"";
} else {
$extra = ",fontsize=24,label=\"$name\"";
printf $o "n$i [color=\"#%02x%02x%02x\"$extra]\n", $red, $green, $blue;
# edges
print $o "edge [len=8,color=\"#555555\"]\n";
for (my $i = 0; $i < @edge; $i++) {
my $name1 = $node[$edge[$i][0]]{name};
my $name2 = $node[$edge[$i][1]]{name};
print $o "n$edge[$i][0] -- n$edge[$i][1] [dir=both,weight=1]\n";
#print $o "$name1 -- $name2 [dir=both,weight=1]\n";
# footer
print $o "}\n\n";
# compile the graph and output
my $cmd = "nice neato -Tsvgz $outfile|";
print "Content-Encoding: gzip\n";
print "Content-Type: image/svg+xml\n\n";
#print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
my $file;
my $pid = open ($file, $cmd);
while (my $line = <$file>) {
print $line;
close $o;
unlink $outfile;
#print "what is up..\n";
} else {
print &PrintHeader;
print "Authentication failed. Return <a href='http://";
print $school_name;
print "'>home</a>.\n";
#print "end...\n";
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