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Last active August 18, 2023 06:48
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My default swiftlint for professional use
- ${PWD}/Carthage
- ${PWD}/Pods
- ${PWD}/DerivedData
- Package.swift
- ${PWD}
force_cast: warning
- i
- x
- y
- z
- r
- db
- id
- vc
ignores_urls: true
ignores_function_declarations: true
ignores_comments: true
warning: 150
warning: 70
- "@objc"
warning: 3
error: 6
warning: 5
error: 10
ignores_case_statements: true
warning: 500
error: 750
- attributes # for @objc on same lone
- array_init # Prefer using Array(seq) over { $0 } to convert a sequence into an Array
- closure_spacing # Closure expressions should have a single space inside each brace
- collection_alignment # All elements in a collection literal should be vertically aligned
- comma_inheritance # Use commas to separate types in inheritance lists
- contains_over_first_not_nil # Prefer contains over first(where:) != nil and firstIndex(where:) != nil
- contains_over_filter_count # Prefer contains over comparing filter(where:).count to 0
- contains_over_filter_is_empty # Prefer contains over using filter(where:).isEmpty
- contains_over_range_nil_comparison # Prefer contains over range(of:) != nil and range(of:) == nil
- convenience_type # Types used for hosting only static members should be implemented as a caseless enum to avoid instantiation
- discouraged_assert # Prefer assertionFailure() and/or preconditionFailure() over assert(false)
- empty_count # Prefer checking isEmpty over comparing count to zero
- empty_collection_literal # Prefer checking isEmpty over comparing collection to an empty array or dictionary literal
- empty_string # Prefer checking isEmpty over comparing string to an empty string literal
- explicit_init # Explicitly calling .init() should be avoided
- first_where # Prefer using .first(where:) over .filter { }.first in collections for performance
- flatmap_over_map_reduce # Prefer flatMap over map followed by reduce([], +)
- force_unwrapping # Force unwrapping should be avoided
- force_try # Force tries should be avoided
- indentation_width
- identical_operands # Don't compare the same thing, lol
- joined_default_parameter # perfer joined() over joined(seperator: "")
- last_where # Prefer using .last(where:) over .filter { }.last in collections
- local_doc_comment # Prefer regular comments over doc comments in local scopes
- lower_acl_than_parent # Ensure declarations have a lower access control level than their enclosing parent
- modifier_order # Modifier order should be consistent
- operator_usage_whitespace # Operators should be surrounded by a single whitespace when they are being used
- optional_enum_case_matching # Matching an enum case against an optional enum without ‘?’ is supported on Swift 5.1 and above
- overridden_super_call # Some overridden methods should always call super.
- pattern_matching_keywords # Combine multiple pattern matching bindings by moving keywords out of tuples
- prohibited_interface_builder # Disallows the usage of @IBOutlet and @IBAction
- prohibited_super_call # Some methods should not call super.
- reduce_into # Prefer reduce(into:_:) over reduce(_:_:) for copy-on-write types
- redundant_type_annotation # Variables should not have redundant type annotation
- shorthand_optional_binding # Use shorthand syntax for optional binding
- sorted_first_last # Prefer using min() or max() over sorted().first or sorted().last
- toggle_bool # Prefer toggle() instead of boolean = !boolean
- unused_declaration # Declarations should be referenced at least once within all files linted
- vertical_parameter_alignment_on_call # Function parameters should be aligned vertically if they’re in multiple lines in a method call
- yoda_condition # The constant literal should be placed on the right-hand side of the comparison operator
indentation_width: 2
- trailing_comma
max_empty_lines: 2
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