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Created December 11, 2024 07:06
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exec eval using RDFlib and multiprocessing
import json
import os
import re
import sqlite3
import asyncio
import multiprocessing
from typing import Tuple, Any, List, Set
from itertools import product, chain
from collections import defaultdict
from concurrent.futures import ProcessPoolExecutor # Use ProcessPoolExecutor instead of ThreadPoolExecutor
import tqdm
import random
import time
import pickle as pkl
import subprocess
from neo4j.time import DateTime, Date, Time
from rdflib import Graph
from .parse import get_all_preds_for_execution, remove_distinct
# threadLock = threading.Lock() # Not needed or not effective across processes
EXEC_TMP_DIR = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), "tmp")
float: ["", "", ""],
int: ["", "", ""],
bool: [""],
str: [""],
"dateTime": [""],
"date": [""],
"time": [""],
def permute_tuple(element: Tuple, perm: Tuple) -> Tuple:
assert len(element) == len(perm)
return tuple([element[i] for i in perm])
def unorder_row(row: Tuple) -> Tuple:
return tuple(sorted(row, key=lambda x: str(x) + str(type(x))))
def quick_rej(result1: List[Tuple], result2: List[Tuple], order_matters: bool) -> bool:
s1 = [unorder_row(row) for row in result1]
s2 = [unorder_row(row) for row in result2]
if order_matters:
return s1 == s2
return set(s1) == set(s2)
def multiset_eq(l1: List, l2: List) -> bool:
if len(l1) != len(l2):
return False
d = defaultdict(int)
for e in l1:
d[e] += 1
for e in l2:
d[e] -= 1
if d[e] < 0:
return False
return True
def get_constraint_permutation(tab1_sets_by_columns: List[Set], result2: List[Tuple]):
num_cols = len(result2[0])
perm_constraints = [{i for i in range(num_cols)} for _ in range(num_cols)]
if num_cols <= 3:
return product(*perm_constraints)
# we sample 20 rows and constrain the space of permutations
for _ in range(20):
random_tab2_row = random.choice(result2)
for tab1_col in range(num_cols):
for tab2_col in set(perm_constraints[tab1_col]):
if random_tab2_row[tab2_col] not in tab1_sets_by_columns[tab1_col]:
return product(*perm_constraints)
def result_eq(result1: List[Tuple], result2: List[Tuple], order_matters: bool) -> bool:
if len(result1) == 0 and len(result2) == 0:
return True
if len(result1) != len(result2):
return False
num_cols = len(result1[0])
if len(result2[0]) != num_cols:
return False
if not quick_rej(result1, result2, order_matters):
return False
tab1_sets_by_columns = [{row[i] for row in result1} for i in range(num_cols)]
for perm in get_constraint_permutation(tab1_sets_by_columns, result2):
if len(perm) != len(set(perm)):
if num_cols == 1:
result2_perm = result2
result2_perm = [permute_tuple(element, perm) for element in result2]
if order_matters:
if result1 == result2_perm:
return True
if set(result1) == set(result2_perm) and multiset_eq(result1, result2_perm):
return True
return False
def replace_cur_year(query: str) -> str:
return re.sub(
"YEAR\s*\(\s*CURDATE\s*\(\s*\)\s*\)\s*", "2020", query, flags=re.IGNORECASE
def get_cursor_from_path(sqlite_path: str):
if not os.path.exists(sqlite_path):
print("Openning a new connection %s" % sqlite_path)
connection = sqlite3.connect(sqlite_path)
except Exception as e:
raise e
connection.text_factory = lambda b: b.decode(errors="ignore")
cursor = connection.cursor()
return cursor
async def exec_on_db_(sqlite_path: str, query: str) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
query = replace_cur_year(query)
cursor = get_cursor_from_path(sqlite_path)
result = cursor.fetchall()
return "result", result
except Exception as e:
return "exception", e
def convert_rdflib_value(value, datatype, var_name):
if value == "0" and "aggregation" in var_name:
return None
if datatype in DATATYPES[float]:
return float(value)
if datatype in DATATYPES[int]:
return int(value)
if datatype in DATATYPES[bool]:
return value.lower() == 'true'
if datatype in DATATYPES[str]:
return str(value)
if datatype in DATATYPES["dateTime"]:
return DateTime.fromisoformat(value)
if datatype in DATATYPES["date"]:
return Date.fromisoformat(value)
if datatype in DATATYPES["time"]:
return Time.fromisoformat(value)
return value
def _transform_rdflib_result(rdflib_json):
rdflib_data = json.loads(rdflib_json)
bindings = rdflib_data["results"]["bindings"]
vars = rdflib_data["head"]["vars"]
transformed_results = []
for binding in bindings:
transformed_entry = {}
for var in vars:
if var not in binding.keys():
transformed_entry[var] = None
data = binding[var]
value = data["value"]
datatype = data.get("datatype")
if datatype:
transformed_entry[var] = convert_rdflib_value(value, datatype, var)
transformed_entry[var] = value
values_only = [tuple(e.values()) for e in transformed_results]
return values_only
def exec_sparql_sync(kg_path: str, query: str):
graph = Graph()
graph.parse(kg_path, format="ttl")
result = graph.query(query)
return result
async def exec_sparql_on_db_(kg_path: str, query: str) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Use ProcessPoolExecutor for multiprocessing
with ProcessPoolExecutor() as executor:
result = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, exec_sparql_sync, kg_path, query)
result_serialized = result.serialize(format='json').decode('utf-8')
return "result", _transform_rdflib_result(result_serialized)
except Exception as e:
return "exception", e
async def exec_on_db(
db_path: str, query: str, process_id: str = "", timeout: int = TIMEOUT, lang: str = "sql"
) -> Tuple[str, Any]:
if "sql" in lang:
return await asyncio.wait_for(exec_on_db_(db_path, query), timeout)
elif "sparql" in lang:
print("executing sparql")
return await asyncio.wait_for(exec_sparql_on_db_(db_path, query), timeout)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
return ('exception', TimeoutError)
except Exception as e:
return ("exception", e)
def postprocess(query: str) -> str:
query = query.replace("> =", ">=").replace("< =", "<=").replace("! =", "!=")
return query
def eval_exec_match(
db: str,
p_str: str,
g_str: str,
plug_value: bool,
keep_distinct: bool,
progress_bar_for_each_datapoint: bool,
lang = "sql",
) -> int:
p_str, g_str = postprocess(p_str), postprocess(g_str)
if not keep_distinct:
p_str = remove_distinct(p_str)
except Exception as e:
return 0
g_str = remove_distinct(g_str)
order_matters = "order by" in g_str.lower()
ext_map = {"sql": ".sqlite",
"sparql": ".ttl",
"cypher": ".ttl"}
db_dir = os.path.dirname(db)
db_paths = [
os.path.join(db_dir, basename)
for basename in os.listdir(db_dir)
if basename.endswith(ext_map[lang])
preds = [p_str]
if plug_value:
_, preds_from_gold = get_all_preds_for_execution(g_str, p_str)
preds = chain([p_str], preds_from_gold)
for pred in preds:
pred_passes = 1
ranger = tqdm.tqdm(db_paths) if progress_bar_for_each_datapoint else db_paths
for db_path in ranger:
g_flag, g_denotation =, g_str, lang=lang))
p_flag, p_denotation =, pred, lang=lang))
assert g_flag != "exception", f"gold query {g_str} has error {g_denotation} on database file {db_path}"
if p_flag == "exception":
pred_passes = 0
elif not result_eq(g_denotation, p_denotation, order_matters=order_matters):
pred_passes = 0
if pred_passes == 0:
if pred_passes == 1:
return 1
return 0
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