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Created March 31, 2018 01:05
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Save velenux/db0410d6ca9ab3adfaf8e297acc7c3ea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. data timeline viz
# encoding: utf-8
import json
import pprint
import codecs
import iso8601
import datetime
# this is the json from
filename = 'archive.json'
symbols = {
# 'photo': '🖼',
# 'post': '🖹',
# 'video': '🎞'
'photo': '■',
'post': '●',
'video': '▶'
colors = {
'1': [
'2': [
'3': [
# ~~ post format ~~
# {
# "_id": {
# "$oid": "5ab919042076215038537c58"
# },
# "impressionOrder": 4,
# "impressionTime": {
# "$date": "2018-01-10T07:01:18.000Z"
# },
# "profileName": "Antonietta",
# "profileAlign": "left",
# "publicationTime": {
# "$date": "2018-01-09T17:19:24.000Z"
# },
# "visualizationDiff": 49314,
# "postId": "2166240993390135",
# "utype": "post",
# "displayName": "Il Fatto Quotidiano",
# "externals": 1,
# "timelineId": "61c77482e39041164f8ed7dde112cbf3e05032dc",
# "permaLink": "/ilFattoQuotidiano/posts/2166240993390135",
# "rtotal": "315",
# "comments": "205",
# "shares": "20",
# "id": "994bb8641ab8f68918f8be9079a221708e04c888",
# "by": "fbtrex",
# "publisherName": "Il Fatto Quotidiano",
# "publisherOrientation": "M5S",
# "observed": 2
# },
data = {}
def get_formatted_entry(entry_data, symbols, colors):
"""Returns the formatted entry."""
retstr = ''
staleness = entry_data['staleness']
if staleness > 3:
staleness = 3
distance = entry_data['distance']
color = colors[str(staleness)][distance]
symbol = entry_data['type']
retstr += "<span style=\"color: {}\">{}</span>".format(color, symbols[symbol])
return retstr
def order_data_types(types):
"""Return an array of alphabetically sorted data types."""
return types.sort()
def build_heatmap_csv_string(heatmap_types, data_types):
"""Return a comma separated string of heatmap values sorted by type."""
retstr = ''
for post_type in data_types:
retstr += "{},".format(heatmap_types[post_type])
return retstr
def get_date(date_string):
"""Return a date in the format YYYYMMDDHH."""
return iso8601.parse_date(date_string).strftime('%Y%m%d%H')
def get_distance(profile_align, publisher_align):
"""Returns an integer distance between profile and publisher political orientation."""
align = {
'left': -2,
'center-left': -1,
'undecided': 0,
'M5S': 1,
'right': 2,
'far-right': 3
profile_value = align[profile_align]
publisher_value = align[publisher_align]
if profile_value == publisher_value:
return 0
elif profile_value > publisher_value:
return profile_value - publisher_value
return publisher_value - profile_value
# carica il file
src = json.load(,'rU','utf-8'))
# parsa le entry
for post in src:
if post['impressionOrder'] > 9:
d = get_date(post['impressionTime']['$date'])
u = post['profileName']
o = {}
o['type'] = post['utype']
o['distance'] = get_distance(post['profileAlign'], post['publisherOrientation'])
o['staleness'] = post['observed']
if not u in data:
data[u] = {}
if not d in data[u]:
data[u][d] = []
# insert the hash to the specific index
data[u][d].insert(int(post['impressionOrder']), o)
# FIXME: sarebbe da fare con un template engine come jinja2 o simili
td { max-width: 1em !important; vertical-align: top; }\
th { writing-mode: vertical-rl; font-weight: thin; font-size: 0.7em; color: #aaa }\
body { background-color: #666; color: #fff; font-family: monospace; }\
p { font-family: sans-serif; }\
for sym in symbols:
print("<p>{} {}</p>".format(symbols[sym], sym))
print("<p>Colors, political distance increasing from left to right:</p>")
for color_shade in sorted(colors.keys()):
print("<p>Posts viewed {} times: ".format(color_shade))
for specific_color in colors[color_shade]:
print("<span style=\"background-color: {}\">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>".format(specific_color))
for user in data:
dates = sorted(data[user].keys())
for date in dates:
print("</thead><tr><td style=\"width: 100% !important; max-width: 100% !important\">{}</td>".format(user))
for date in dates:
for entry in data[user][date]:
print(get_formatted_entry(entry, symbols, colors))
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