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Last active November 22, 2022 09:43
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Fitting a gaussian to an empirical weighted measure
"""Fitting a gaussian to an empirical weighted measure"""
# author: vlad niculae <[email protected]>
# license: bsd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.special import logsumexp, softmax
def main():
n = 7
d = 2
# generate n embeddings in d dimensions
rng = np.random.default_rng(42)
V = rng.standard_normal(size=(n, d))
plt.scatter(V[:, 0], V[:, 1], marker='.')
p = np.zeros(n)
# scenario 1: almost centered on one point
p[6] = 7
# scenario 2: split between two points
# p[4] = 7
# p[6] = 7
# scenario 3: split between three points
# p[1] = 7
# p[4] = 7
# p[6] = 7
p = softmax(p)
# empirical mean and cov
mu =, V)
full_cov = False
if full_cov:
cov = (V - mu).T @ (p[:, np.newaxis] * (V - mu))
u, s, _ = np.linalg.svd(cov)
prec = u.T @ ((1/s)[:, np.newaxis] * u)
sqrt_prec = (1 / np.sqrt(s))[:, np.newaxis] * u
# diagonal covariance for each i separately
diag_cov = ((V - mu) ** 2).T @ p
sqrt_prec = np.diag(diag_cov ** -0.5)
def energy(x1, x2):
# assume x1, x2 have shape (a, b)
x = np.stack([x1, x2]) # (2, a, b)
x = x.transpose(1, 2, 0) # (a, b, 2)
ctr = x - mu # (a, b, 2)
maha = ((ctr @ sqrt_prec.T) ** 2).sum(axis=-1)
return maha
# if we want the entire logpdf:
# log normalizing constant
# logdet = logsumexp(s)
# log_pdf = -log(2pi) - .5*logdet - .5 * maha
# return np.log(2 * np.pi) + (logdet + maha) / 2
# chi square with 2df at p=.5, p=.1, and p=0.001
levels = [1.39, 4.61, 13.82]
x_min = y_min = -2
x_max = y_max = 2
n_points = 100
grid_x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, n_points)
grid_y = np.linspace(y_min, y_max, n_points)
mesh_x, mesh_y = np.meshgrid(grid_x, grid_y)
eg = energy(mesh_x, mesh_y)
plt.contour(mesh_x, mesh_y, eg, levels=levels)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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