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Last active September 8, 2021 11:51
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Dual p-norms illustrated.
For any norm |.|, the dual norm is defined as |y|_* = max{ <x, y> for |x| <= 1 }.
The figure shows the unit balls of the p-norm, for p = 1.5, 2, and 3.
We compute the dual norm at a dual vector y (short black arrow), rotating
uniformly around the origin over time.
The surface shows the contour lines of <y, x> for all x in the ball, and the
longer arrow is the optimal primal vector x, maximizing <y, x>.
P.S. the 2-norm is self dual, while 1.5 and 3 are dual to each other.
# author: Vlad Niculae <[email protected]>
# license: MIT
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.optimize import root_scalar
from tqdm import tqdm
def dual_norm_argmax_2d(y, p=1.5):
# the maximizer x in the dual norm |y|_*
# takes the form [x, (1-x^p)^1/p]
# we can solve for x using root finding.
if np.abs(y[0]) < 1e-15 or np.abs(y[1]) < 1e-15:
return y / np.linalg.norm(y)
sgn = np.sign(y)
y = y * sgn # make y nonnegative
def f(x):
return y[0] - y[1] * ((x ** (p-1)) * (1 - x**p) ** (1/p - 1))
eps = 1e-15
res = root_scalar(f, method='brentq', bracket=(0 + eps, 1 - eps))
x0 = res.root
x_best = np.array([x0, (1 - x0 ** p) ** (1/p)])
return x_best * sgn
if __name__ == '__main__':
# make a 2d mesh
N = 300
t = np.linspace(-1.1, 1.1, num=N)
XX, YY = np.meshgrid(t, t)
pts = np.column_stack([np.ravel(XX), np.ravel(YY)])
ps = [1.5, 2, 3]
for k, phi in enumerate(tqdm(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, num=500))):
# pick dual vector (rotated around origin)
y = .33 * np.array([np.sin(phi), np.cos(phi)])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, len(ps),
for i in range(len(ps)):
p = ps[i]
norms = np.sum(np.abs(pts) ** p, axis=1) ** (1/p)
norms = norms.reshape(N, N)
# plot contour of primal norm ball
axes[i].contour(XX, YY, norms, levels=[1])
# get points inside primal norm ball
pts_inside_ball = pts[(norms <= 1).ravel()]
# compute objective value for each of them
obj = pts_inside_ball @ y
# now, we could approximately pick the best x from the mesh.
# i.e.,
# best_x = pts_inside_ball[np.argmax(obj)]
# but this creates some rendering artifacts around
# non-differentiable points. So instead,
best_x = dual_norm_argmax_2d(y, p=p)
# repackage obj values in an x/y mesh grid and plot contours
objs = np.full_like(norms, -np.inf)
objs[norms <= 1] = obj
axes[i].contourf(XX, YY, objs,
levels=np.linspace(-.5, .5, 11))
# plot optimal primal vector, and dual vector
axes[i].quiver(0, 0, best_x[0], best_x[1], units='xy', scale=1, width=.05, color='C5')
axes[i].quiver(0, 0, y[0], y[1], units='xy', scale=1, width=.05)
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vene commented Sep 7, 2021


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