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# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
import requests
import base64
import json
host = ""
port = 8233
# CBC 翻转攻击将明文里的 role 变为其他数字,比如 1 试试。在第一个区块,所以挺好操作的。
# 同时注意我们密文里修改了,明文里的 user_role 也得修改。脚本如下
def cbc_attack(key, block, origin_content, target_content):
user_key_decode = base64.b64decode(key)
user_key_json_decode = json.loads(user_key_decode)
signed_key = user_key_json_decode['signed_key']
cipher_o = base64.b64decode(signed_key)
if block > 0:
iv_prefix = cipher_o[:block * 16]
iv_prefix = ''
iv = cipher_o[block * 16:16 + block * 16]
cipher = cipher_o[16 + block * 16:]
iv_array = bytearray(iv)
for i in range(0, 16):
iv_array[i] = iv_array[i] ^ ord(origin_content[i]) ^ ord(target_content[i])
iv = bytes(iv_array)
user_key_json_decode['signed_key'] = base64.b64encode(iv_prefix + iv + cipher)
return base64.b64encode(json.dumps(user_key_json_decode))
def get_user_info(key):
r ="http://" + host + ":" + str(port) + "/frontend/api/v1/user/info", headers = {"Key": key})
if r.json()['code'] == 100:
return r.json()['data']
def modify_role_palin(key, role):
user_key_decode = base64.b64decode(user_key)
user_key_json_decode = json.loads(user_key_decode)
user_key_json_decode['role'] = role
return base64.b64encode(json.dumps(user_key_json_decode))
print("翻转 Key:")
user_key = cbc_attack("eyJzaWduZWRfa2V5IjoiU1VONGExTnBibWRFWVc1alpWSmhVRm1zclQ3a2FGM1FXL29vWDdVcVRpZ215TVl5MFFZK1RlSzMya3hGZW94ay9ZNnkzaG0vaEJXK2lMaXVLdnNNS1NPK1ZQQ0pGSTdPbHJTL0dsYThWWmh1Y3p2NSs4djNXckNJSE5TbVJOS2xBRjREdlI2bDBSbFVaajB6WjgzWGlBPT0iLCJyb2xlIjozLCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoxLCJwYXlsb2FkIjoid2x1NUUwN1piR3pUNDVRUEhORzVReUpQT2UyNjUwalgiLCJleHBpcmVfaW4iOjE1NTY4NTM2Mzh9", 0, '{"role":3,"user_', '{"role":1,"user_')
user_key = modify_role_palin(user_key, 1)
user_info = get_user_info(user_key)
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