A bookmarklet for filtering listings by availability date and number of bedrooms.
Create a bookmark with the following code as URL:
javascript:(function () { var query = prompt("Select months/bedrooms", "may,jun,jul,aug,sep").split(',').map(function (s) { return s.trim().slice(0, 3).toLowerCase(); }); var testBedrooms = query.some(function (q) { return (/\d+/).test(q); }); var listingResults = document.querySelector("ul.listing-results"); Array.from(document.querySelectorAll("ul.listing-results > li")).filter(function (li) { var from = li.getElementsByClassName("available-from"); if (from.length < 1) return true; from = from[0].innerText.split(' '); if (from.length < 4) return true; from = from[3].trim().slice(0, 3).toLowerCase(); if (!query.includes(from)) return true; if (testBedrooms) { var beds = li.getElementsByClassName("num-beds"); if (beds.length > 0) { beds = beds[0].innerText; if (!query.includes(beds)) return true; } }