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Forked from laacz/lks-92.php
Created March 2, 2021 11:20
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LKS-92 koordināšu pārrēķins uz platuma un garuma grādiem.
// Ja šis nedod korektu rezultātu Y asī, atkomentē rindiņu, kur ir "$y -= -6000000.0;"
function LKSToLatLon($x, $y)
/* Ellipsoid model constants (actual values here are for WGS84) */
$UTMScaleFactor = 0.9996;
$sm_a = 6378137.0;
$sm_b = 6356752.314;
$x -= 500000.0;
// Pirmā atšķirība no WGS84 - Kilometriņš šurpu, kilometriņš turpu.
// Ja šis nedod korektu rezultāt, atkomentē sekojošo rindiņu.
// $y -= -6000000.0;
$x /= $UTMScaleFactor;
$y /= $UTMScaleFactor;
// Otrā atšķirība no WGS84 - Centrālais meridiāns ir citur.
$lambda0 = deg2rad(24);
/* Precalculate n (Eq. 10.18) */
$n = ($sm_a - $sm_b) / ($sm_a + $sm_b);
/* Precalculate alpha_ (Eq. 10.22) */
/* (Same as alpha in Eq. 10.17) */
$alpha_ = (($sm_a + $sm_b) / 2.0)
* (1 + (pow($n, 2.0) / 4) + (pow($n, 4.0) / 64));
/* Precalculate y_ (Eq. 10.23) */
$y_ = $y / $alpha_;
/* Precalculate beta_ (Eq. 10.22) */
$beta_ = (3.0 * $n / 2.0) + (-27.0 * pow($n, 3.0) / 32.0)
+ (269.0 * pow($n, 5.0) / 512.0);
/* Precalculate gamma_ (Eq. 10.22) */
$gamma_ = (21.0 * pow($n, 2.0) / 16.0)
+ (-55.0 * pow($n, 4.0) / 32.0);
/* Precalculate delta_ (Eq. 10.22) */
$delta_ = (151.0 * pow($n, 3.0) / 96.0)
+ (-417.0 * pow($n, 5.0) / 128.0);
/* Precalculate epsilon_ (Eq. 10.22) */
$epsilon_ = (1097.0 * pow($n, 4.0) / 512.0);
/* Now calculate the sum of the series (Eq. 10.21) */
$phif = $y_ + ($beta_ * sin(2.0 * $y_))
+ ($gamma_ * sin(4.0 * $y_))
+ ($delta_ * sin(6.0 * $y_))
+ ($epsilon_ * sin(8.0 * $y_));
/* Precalculate ep2 */
$ep2 = (pow($sm_a, 2.0) - pow($sm_b, 2.0))
/ pow($sm_b, 2.0);
/* Precalculate cos (phif) */
$cf = cos($phif);
/* Precalculate nuf2 */
$nuf2 = $ep2 * pow($cf, 2.0);
/* Precalculate Nf and initialize Nfpow */
$Nf = pow($sm_a, 2.0) / ($sm_b * sqrt(1 + $nuf2));
$Nfpow = $Nf;
/* Precalculate tf */
$tf = tan($phif);
$tf2 = $tf * $tf;
$tf4 = $tf2 * $tf2;
/* Precalculate fractional coefficients for x**n in the equations
below to simplify the expressions for latitude and longitude. */
$x1frac = 1.0 / ($Nfpow * $cf);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**2) */
$x2frac = $tf / (2.0 * $Nfpow);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**3) */
$x3frac = 1.0 / (6.0 * $Nfpow * $cf);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**4) */
$x4frac = $tf / (24.0 * $Nfpow);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**5) */
$x5frac = 1.0 / (120.0 * $Nfpow * $cf);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**6) */
$x6frac = $tf / (720.0 * $Nfpow);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**7) */
$x7frac = 1.0 / (5040.0 * $Nfpow * $cf);
$Nfpow *= $Nf; /* now equals Nf**8) */
$x8frac = $tf / (40320.0 * $Nfpow);
/* Precalculate polynomial coefficients for x**n.
-- x**1 does not have a polynomial coefficient. */
$x2poly = -1.0 - $nuf2;
$x3poly = -1.0 - 2 * $tf2 - $nuf2;
$x4poly = 5.0 + 3.0 * $tf2 + 6.0 * $nuf2 - 6.0 * $tf2 * $nuf2
- 3.0 * ($nuf2 * $nuf2) - 9.0 * $tf2 * ($nuf2 * $nuf2);
$x5poly = 5.0 + 28.0 * $tf2 + 24.0 * $tf4 + 6.0 * $nuf2 + 8.0 * $tf2 * $nuf2;
$x6poly = -61.0 - 90.0 * $tf2 - 45.0 * $tf4 - 107.0 * $nuf2
+ 162.0 * $tf2 * $nuf2;
$x7poly = -61.0 - 662.0 * $tf2 - 1320.0 * $tf4 - 720.0 * ($tf4 * $tf2);
$x8poly = 1385.0 + 3633.0 * $tf2 + 4095.0 * $tf4 + 1575 * ($tf4 * $tf2);
/* Calculate latitude */
$lat = $phif + $x2frac * $x2poly * ($x * $x)
+ $x4frac * $x4poly * pow($x, 4.0)
+ $x6frac * $x6poly * pow($x, 6.0)
+ $x8frac * $x8poly * pow($x, 8.0);
/* Calculate longitude */
$lon = $lambda0 + $x1frac * $x
+ $x3frac * $x3poly * pow($x, 3.0)
+ $x5frac * $x5poly * pow($x, 5.0)
+ $x7frac * $x7poly * pow($x, 7.0);
return Array(rad2deg($lat), rad2deg($lon));
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