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Created August 13, 2021 00:42
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#include <pcl_conversions/pcl_conversions.h>
#include <pcl_ros/point_cloud.h>
#include <sensor_msgs/Imu.h>
#include <tf2/buffer_core.h>
#include <tf2_ros/transform_listener.h>
#include <pcl/common/transforms.h>
#include <boost/circular_buffer.hpp>
#include <sv_core/logging.hpp>
#include <sv_core/math.hpp>
#include <sv_geom/conversion.hpp>
#include <sv_geom/transformation.hpp>
#include "sv_cloud/pcl_utils.hpp"
namespace sv::cloud {
using namespace sensor_msgs;
using TimeInterval = Interval<real_t>;
using Point = pcl::PointXYZI;
using Cloud = pcl::PointCloud<Point>;
* @brief ImusToTimedSO3s
* @param imu_msgs
* @param interval
* @param R_t_i rotation from imu to target frame
* @return
AlignedVector<TimedSO3> ImusToTimedSO3s(const std::vector<Imu> &imus,
const TimeInterval &interval,
const SO3 &R_t_i = SO3());
* @brief UndistortCloud
* @param cloud
* @param Rs_0_t
* @param delta_t
void UndistortCloud(Cloud &cloud, const AlignedVector<TimedSO3> &Rs_0_t,
double delta_t);
/// CloudUndistortNode
class CloudUndistortNode {
explicit CloudUndistortNode(const ros::NodeHandle &pnh);
void ImuCb(const ImuConstPtr &imu_msg);
void CloudCb(const PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud_msg);
/// look up transform R_l_i
bool LookupTransform(const std::string &cloud_frame);
/// Get imu messages from buffer
std::vector<Imu> GetImus(const TimeInterval &time_interval) const;
/// ROS
ros::NodeHandle pnh_;
ros::Subscriber sub_imu_;
ros::Subscriber sub_cloud_;
ros::Publisher pub_cloud_;
tf2_ros::Buffer tf_buffer_;
tf2_ros::TransformListener tf_listener_;
std::string imu_frame_;
/// Other
boost::circular_buffer<Imu> imu_buffer_;
Optional<SO3> R_l_i_;
double firing_cycle_;
double prev_time_;
CloudUndistortNode::CloudUndistortNode(const ros::NodeHandle &pnh)
: pnh_(pnh), tf_listener_(tf_buffer_), imu_buffer_(500), prev_time_(0) {
sub_cloud_ = pnh_.subscribe("cloud", 1, &CloudUndistortNode::CloudCb, this);
sub_imu_ = pnh_.subscribe("imu", 100, &CloudUndistortNode::ImuCb, this);
pub_cloud_ = pnh_.advertise<Cloud>("cloud_undistort", 5);
firing_cycle_ = 55.296 * 1e-6;
void CloudUndistortNode::ImuCb(const ImuConstPtr &imu_msg_ptr) {
const Imu &imu_msg = *imu_msg_ptr;
if (imu_frame_.empty()) {
imu_frame_ = imu_msg.header.frame_id;
ROS_INFO("Imu frame is set to %s", imu_frame_.c_str());
} else {
if (imu_msg.header.stamp < imu_buffer_.back().header.stamp) {
ROS_WARN("Current imu %f comes before the last imu %f, clear buffer",
void CloudUndistortNode::CloudCb(const PointCloud2ConstPtr &cloud_msg) {
if (imu_frame_.empty()) return;
// Look up transform first if we don't already have it
// Skip if lookup failed
if (!R_l_i_) {
if (!LookupTransform(cloud_msg->header.frame_id)) return;
// Now we must have a transform
CHECK(R_l_i_) << "no R_l_i";
Cloud::Ptr cloud(new Cloud);
pcl::fromROSMsg(*cloud_msg, *cloud);
if (!cloud->isOrganized()) {
ROS_ERROR("Cloud is not organized, not distorting");
ROS_DEBUG("cloud %zu = %u x %u", cloud->size(), cloud->height, cloud->width);
// Given the current time and firing cycle, compute time delta between first
// and last firing
const auto time_begin = cloud_msg->header.stamp.toSec();
const auto time_end = time_begin + firing_cycle_ * (cloud->width - 1);
const TimeInterval cloud_time_interval(time_begin, time_end);
ROS_DEBUG("Cloud time interval: [%f, %f], width %f", cloud_time_interval.a(),
cloud_time_interval.b(), cloud_time_interval.width());
// Given this time interval, we get imu msgs with in the interval from buffer
const auto imus = GetImus(cloud_time_interval);
ROS_DEBUG("Got %zu imu msgs", imus.size());
if (imus.empty()) {
ROS_WARN("Failed to get imu msgs, not distorting");
// Check imu time against cloud time interval
ROS_DEBUG("imu cloud delta time %f, %f",
imus.front().header.stamp.toSec() - cloud_time_interval.a(),
cloud_time_interval.b() - imus.back().header.stamp.toSec());
const auto Rs_0_t = ImusToTimedSO3s(imus, cloud_time_interval, *R_l_i_);
UndistortCloud(*cloud, Rs_0_t, firing_cycle_);
// Record previous time just for debug
if (prev_time_ > 0) {
ROS_DEBUG("cloud time diff: %f", time_begin - prev_time_);
prev_time_ = time_begin;
bool CloudUndistortNode::LookupTransform(const std::string &cloud_frame) {
geometry_msgs::TransformStamped tf_msg;
try {
tf_msg = tf_buffer_.lookupTransform(cloud_frame, imu_frame_, ros::Time(0));
R_l_i_ = ToSO3(tf_msg.transform.rotation);
ROS_INFO_STREAM("Got R_l_i: \n" << R_l_i_->matrix());
return true;
} catch (tf2::TransformException &ex) {
ROS_WARN("%s", ex.what());
return false;
std::vector<Imu> CloudUndistortNode::GetImus(
const TimeInterval &interval) const {
const auto &buffer = imu_buffer_;
std::vector<Imu> imu_msgs;
auto is_inside = [&](const sensor_msgs::Imu &imu_msg) {
return interval.contains(imu_msg.header.stamp.toSec());
// Get all the imu message that falls in this time interval
std::copy_if(std::cbegin(buffer), std::cend(buffer),
std::back_inserter(imu_msgs), is_inside);
// boost::push_back(imu_msgs, buffer | boost::adaptors::filtered(is_inside));
return imu_msgs;
AlignedVector<TimedSO3> ImusToTimedSO3s(const std::vector<Imu> &imus,
const TimeInterval &interval,
const SO3 &R_t_i) {
AlignedVector<TimedSO3> Rs_0_t;
if (imus.empty()) return Rs_0_t;
Rs_0_t.reserve(imus.size() + 2);
// First rotation is always identity
Rs_0_t.emplace_back(interval.a(), SO3{});
// For undistortion assume cloud start is identity
// |----------|----------|----------|
// t_c0 | t_c1 ... t_ck
// | | | | | | |
// | i0 i1 i2 ... ik |
// R0 R1 R2 R3 ... Rk+1 Rk+2
// R0 --- Rk+2 are what we need
// Use simple integration
// Get a copy of the first imu, with time 0
Imu imu_km1 = imus.front(); // i_{k-1}
imu_km1.header.stamp = ros::Time(interval.a());
Vector3 w_km1;
tf2::fromMsg(imu_km1.angular_velocity, w_km1);
// Compute incrementatal rotations between each imu
for (size_t k = 0; k < imus.size(); ++k) {
const auto &imu_k = imus[k]; // i_k
Vector3 w_k;
tf2::fromMsg(imu_k.angular_velocity, w_k);
const Vector3 w = R_t_i * (w_km1 + w_k) / 2.0; // imu frame -> cloud frame
const auto dt = (imu_k.header.stamp - imu_km1.header.stamp).toSec();
// R_0_tk = R_0_tkm1 * R_tkm1_tk
const SO3 R_0_tk = Rs_0_t.back().data * SO3::exp(w * dt);
Rs_0_t.emplace_back(imu_k.header.stamp.toSec(), R_0_tk);
imu_km1 = imu_k;
w_km1 = w_k;
// Last one
const double dt = interval.b() - imu_km1.header.stamp.toSec();
const Vector3 w = R_t_i * w_km1;
const SO3 R_0_tk = Rs_0_t.back().data * SO3::exp(w * dt);
Rs_0_t.emplace_back(interval.b(), R_0_tk);
return Rs_0_t;
void UndistortCloud(Cloud &cloud, const AlignedVector<TimedSO3> &Rs_0_t,
double delta_t) {
if (Rs_0_t.empty()) return;
if (cloud.empty()) return;
// Start time
const auto t0 = Rs_0_t.front().time;
// This index into Rs
int k = 1;
// Iterate through cloud column
for (int j = 0; j < cloud.width; ++j) {
// Get time of this point
const double t = t0 + j * delta_t;
// Use col_time to retrieve two poses
// while col time is bigger than current time, increment k
while (t > Rs_0_t[k].time) ++k;
const auto &R_0_tkm1 = Rs_0_t[k - 1];
const auto &R_0_tk = Rs_0_t[k];
CHECK_GE(t, R_0_tkm1.time);
CHECK_LE(t, R_0_tk.time);
// Normalize t and use it to interpolate
const double t_norm = (t - R_0_tkm1.time) / (R_0_tk.time - R_0_tkm1.time);
// Interpolate R_t0_t from R_t0_tm1 and R_t0_t
const SO3 R_0_t = Sophus::interpolate(,, t_norm);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < cloud.height; ++i) {
auto &p = cloud(j, i);
// Skip nan point
if (PclPointIsNaN(p)) continue;
// transform point to frame 0
p.getVector3fMap() = R_0_t.cast<float>() * p.getVector3fMap();
} // namespace sv::cloud
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
SV_INIT_LOGGING(argc, argv);
ros::init(argc, argv, "range_undistort_node");
sv::cloud::CloudUndistortNode node(ros::NodeHandle("~"));
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