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Forked from MohamedAlaa/
Created March 7, 2020 22:21
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Redis Benchmark on Google cloud using n1-standard-4 instance
❯ redis-benchmark -p 6379 -P 100 -n 100000 -q
PING_INLINE: 653594.81 requests per second
PING_BULK: 1149425.38 requests per second
SET: 561797.75 requests per second
GET: 800000.00 requests per second
INCR: 746268.62 requests per second
LPUSH: 543478.25 requests per second
RPUSH: 584795.31 requests per second
LPOP: 606060.56 requests per second
RPOP: 621118.00 requests per second
SADD: 621118.00 requests per second
SPOP: 763358.81 requests per second
LPUSH (needed to benchmark LRANGE): 555555.56 requests per second
LRANGE_100 (first 100 elements): 21385.80 requests per second
LRANGE_300 (first 300 elements): 5437.15 requests per second
LRANGE_500 (first 450 elements): 3383.75 requests per second
LRANGE_600 (first 600 elements): 2399.00 requests per second
MSET (10 keys): 92081.03 requests per second
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