FIXME: The goals: FIXME: Do whatever needs to do done to develop something and test it under similar conditions as if it's running in production. FIXME: Everything (or almost everything) is in the repo.
FIXME: Example: Backend up that depends on a front-end and a database
FIXME: Welcome to DevOps Toolkit, the channel where we...
FIXME: Shock
FIXME: Establish expectations
FIXME: What's the ending?
FIXME: Create a branch
git clone
cd idp-full-demo
devbox shell
Watch How to Create Custom CLIs for Internal Developer Platforms with Nushell if you are not familiar with Nushell. Alternatively, you can inspect the
script and transform the instructions in it to Bash or ZShell if you prefer not to use that Nushell script.
FIXME: Test Google FIXME: Test AWS FIXME: Test Azure FIXME: Test UpCloud FIXME: Remove kind
platform setup dev
source .env
FIXME: Move to platform
yq --inplace \
".spec.rules[0].host = \"silly-demo-frontend.$INGRESS_HOST\"" \
yq --inplace \
".spec.template.spec.containers[0].env[0].value = \"http://staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST\"" \
yq --inplace \
" = \"staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST\"" \
devbox shell
source .env
okteto version
which okteto
cat devbox.json
cat platform
platform --help
NOTE: Other apps that should be accessed from the one we're developing need only a config with the Service name and Namespace. NOTE: Apps that should be accessing the one we're developing are a challenge that can be solved with a service mesh (Telepresence and mirrord assume local development).
cat crossplane/$PROVIDER-sql.yaml
# FIXME: If Google
echo "{\"password\": \"IWillNeverTell\" }" \
| gcloud secrets --project $PROJECT_ID \
create db-root-password --data-file=-
kubectl --namespace staging apply \
--filename crossplane/$PROVIDER-sql.yaml
crossplane beta trace sqlclaim silly-demo-db --namespace staging
Wait until all the resources are
kubectl --namespace staging get secrets
kubectl --namespace staging get externalsecrets,pushsecrets
Wait until all the
of thepushsecret
cat crossplane/app-staging-db.yaml
kubectl --namespace staging apply \
--filename crossplane/app-staging-db.yaml
crossplane beta trace appclaim silly-demo --namespace staging
FIXME: Switch to AppClaim
cat frontend/*.yaml
kubectl --namespace staging apply --filename frontend
kubectl --namespace staging get all,ingresses
kubectl --namespace staging wait deployment silly-demo-frontend
kubectl --namespace staging wait pods --for=condition=Ready \
echo "http://silly-demo-frontend.$INGRESS_HOST"
Open the URL from the output of the previous command in a browser.
# cat crossplane/app-dev-db.yaml
# platform apply dev vfarcic --db silly-demo-db
Execute the command that follows in the second (new) terminal session.
# curl "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
# curl -XPOST \
# "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/video?id=z7Nfl-u-hLI&title=Neon"
# curl -XPOST \
# "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/video?id=WAm3ypS0_wg&title=IDP%20History"
# curl "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/videos" | jq .
# kubectl --namespace vfarcic get externalsecrets,secrets
(in the first terminal) to stop the watcher.
NOTE: That could be disruptive. How about ephemeral databases?
NOTE: We need production-like, not a stripped down version of the app. Local Kubernetes cluster is too complicated to setup. Going remote is too expensive. What's left?
curl "http://staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
curl -XPOST \
curl "http://staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/videos" | jq .
cat .mirrord/mirrord.json
NOTE: Even though it states that the default location for the config file is .mirrord/mirrord.json
it needs to be specified explicitly.
mirrord exec --config-file .mirrord/mirrord.json air go run .
Open a new terminal session in the same directory
Execute the commands that follow in the second (new) terminal session.
devbox shell
source .env
curl "localhost:8080"
FIXME: Fix stealing
curl "http://staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
curl -XPOST \
curl "localhost:8080/videos" | jq .
curl "http://staging.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/videos" | jq .
NOTE: We'll use Crossplane but the same logic would apply for any other tech (e.g., Helm)
NOTE: Assumption is that a repo with all the files already exists. That repo could have been created from a template.
NOTE: Not going through permissions and multi-tenancy. Check Capsule...
FIXME: Add a frontend
cat crossplane/app-dev.yaml
NOTE: If we'd use the commercial version of Okteto we might not need to do what we're about to do.
FIXME: Remove parameters.namespace
from AppClaim
yq --inplace \
" = \"egulliksen-silly-demo\"" \
yq --inplace \
".spec.parameters.namespace = \"egulliksen\"" \
yq --inplace \
" = \"egulliksen.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST\"" \
yq --inplace \
".spec.parameters.db.secret = \"egulliksen-silly-demo-db\"" \
kubectl --namespace egulliksen get all,ingresses
curl "http://egulliksen.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
NOTE: How do we update it every time we make a change to the code? Build a new image, push it to a registry, update manifests and apply them? That takes too long. We should have near instant updates.
cat okteto.yaml
NOTE: We could have put deployment into okteto.yaml
as well, but that's only available in the commercial version (which is worth considering).
okteto context
okteto up --namespace egulliksen
Wait until it is up-and-running.
Open a new terminal session in the same directory
Execute the commands that follow in the second (new) terminal session.
devbox shell
source .env
curl "http://egulliksen.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
Edit the message
This is a silly demo
Execute the command that follows in the second terminal session.
curl "http://egulliksen.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
From here on, execute the commands in the first terminal session unless specified otherwise.
to stop the watcher.
kubectl --namespace egulliksen get all,ingresses
okteto down --namespace egulliksen
kubectl --namespace egulliksen delete \
--filename crossplane/app-dev.yaml
platform apply dev --help
platform apply dev vfarcic
Undo the previously made changes to
Execute the command that follows in the second (new) terminal session.
curl "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
curl "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST/videos"
to stop the watcher.
platform uninstall dev vfarcic
cat platform
NOTE: There is Okteto VS Code extension.
NOTE: How do we connect it to other apps in the system (e.g., DB, frontend, etc.)
curl "http://vfarcic.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST"
go test -v -tags unit $PWD/...
air go test -v -tags unit $PWD/...
to stop watching for changes.
URL="http://egulliksen.silly-demo.$INGRESS_HOST" \
go test -v -cover -tags integration $PWD/...
FIXME: Do it in a loop with air
FIXME: Not very useful during. Developers are in VS Code or Jetbrains something something and not in Backstage while developing. Backstage comes in handy later...
TODO: Header: Cons; Items: FIXME:
TODO: Header: Pros; Items: FIXME:
kubectl --namespace staging delete \
--filename crossplane/$PROVIDER-sql.yaml
mut command = { kubectl get managed --output name }
if ($name | is-not-empty) {
$command = {
kubectl get managed --output name
--selector $"$name)"
mut resources = (do $command)
mut counter = ($resources | wc -l | into int)
while $counter > 0 {
print $"($resources)\nWaiting for remaining (ansi green_bold)($counter)(ansi reset) managed resources to be (ansi green_bold)removed(ansi reset)...\n"
sleep 10sec
$resources = (do $command)
$counter = ($resources | wc -l | into int)
platform destroy kubernetes $PROVIDER