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Last active March 27, 2024 14:13
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# Source:
# Bitnami Sealed Secrets #
# How To Store Kubernetes Secrets In Git Repositories Without Getting Fired #
# #
# Referenced videos:
# - What Is GitOps And Why Do We Want It?:
# - Argo CD: Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes:
# - Flux CD v2 With GitOps Toolkit - Kubernetes Deployment And Sync Mechanism (Second Review):
# Setup #
# Create a k8s cluster
# Install `kubeseal` CLI from
kubectl apply \
# Sealing secrets #
kubectl --namespace default \
create secret \
generic mysecret \
--dry-run=client \
--from-literal foo=bar \
--output json
kubectl --namespace default \
create secret \
generic mysecret \
--dry-run=client \
--from-literal foo=bar \
--output json \
| kubeseal \
| tee mysecret.yaml
kubectl create \
--filename mysecret.yaml
kubectl get secret mysecret \
--output yaml
kubectl get secret mysecret \
--output jsonpath="{}" \
| base64 --decode && echo
kubeseal --fetch-cert
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