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Last active February 17, 2025 12:37
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# Source:
# Argo CD Synchronization is BROKEN! It Should Switch to Eventual Consistency! #
# Additional Info:
# - Kubernetes Deployment Order:
# - Kubernetes? Database Schema? Schema Management with Atlas Operator:
# - Manage Kubernetes Secrets With External Secrets Operator (ESO):
# - Argo CD - Applying GitOps Principles To Manage A Production Environment In Kubernetes:
# - How To Apply GitOps To Everything - Combining Argo CD And Crossplane:
# - Mastering Argo CD Sync Waves: A Deep Dive into Effective GitOps Synchronization Strategies:
# - Crossplane - GitOps-based Infrastructure as Code through Kubernetes API:
# - How To Shift Left Infrastructure Management Using Crossplane Compositions:
# - Crossplane Composition Functions: Unleashing the Full Potential:
# Setup #
git clone
cd kubernetes-deployment-demo
# Replace `[...]` with hyperscaler you'd like to use in the command that follows. Choices are: `aws` and `google`. Please open an issue if you'd like to add support for Azure or any other hyperscaler.
export HYPERSCALER=[...]
nix-shell --run $SHELL shell-$HYPERSCALER.nix
chmod +x
source .env
# Deployment Order with kubectl #
helm upgrade --install atlas-operator \
oci:// \
--namespace atlas-operator --create-namespace
cat external-secrets/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
helm upgrade --install \
external-secrets external-secrets/external-secrets \
--namespace external-secrets --create-namespace \
&& kubectl apply \
--filename external-secrets/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
kubectl --namespace external-secrets \
wait --for=condition=available \
deployment external-secrets-webhook --timeout=600s
kubectl apply --filename external-secrets/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
# Deployment Order with Argo CD #
ls -1 infra/
cat argocd-app.yaml
kubectl --namespace argocd apply --filename argocd-app.yaml
kubectl --namespace argocd port-forward svc/argocd-server 8080:80
# Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser in a separate terminal session. Use `admin` as username and `admin123` as password.
# Enter the `infra` application and click the `Syncing` button.
# Press the `Terminate` button.
ls -1 infra-waves
cat infra-waves/crossplane.yaml
cat infra-waves/aws-config.yaml
kubectl --namespace argocd apply --filename argocd-app-waves.yaml
kubectl wait --for=condition=healthy \
--all --timeout=600s
kubectl apply --filename infra-waves
# Deployment Order with Crossplane #
cat cluster/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename cluster/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
cat db/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename db/$HYPERSCALER.yaml
crossplane beta trace sqlclaim my-db --namespace a-team
crossplane beta trace clusterclaim cluster --namespace a-team
crossplane beta trace clusterclaim cluster --namespace a-team
# Wait until the status of all resources is `Available`.
crossplane beta trace sqlclaim my-db --namespace a-team
# Destroy #
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