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Last active January 31, 2025 20:10
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  • Save vfarcic/8301efb15748af1da3e376b7132e519e to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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# Source:
# Should We Run Databases In Kubernetes? CloudNativePG PostgreSQL #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - CloudNativePG:
# - EDB:
# Setup #
# Create a Kubernetes cluster
git clone
cd cloud-native-pg-demo
helm repo add cnpg
helm repo add prometheus-community \
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install cnpg cnpg/cloudnative-pg \
--namespace cnpg-system --create-namespace --wait
helm upgrade --install prometheus-community \
prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack \
--namespace observability --create-namespace \
--values \
kubectl --namespace observability apply \
--filename grafana-configmap.yaml
kubectl create namespace demo
# Running PostgreSQL In Kubernetes Using CloudNativePG #
cat cluster.yaml
kubectl --namespace demo apply --filename cluster.yaml
kubectl --namespace demo get clusters
kubectl --namespace demo get pods
kubectl --namespace demo get statefulsets
kubectl --namespace demo get services
kubectl --namespace demo get secrets
kubectl --namespace demo get clusters
kubectl --namespace observability port-forward \
service/prometheus-community-grafana 8080:80
# Open http://localhost:8080 in a browser
# Use `admin` as the username and `prom-operator` as the password
# Open
# Destroy #
# Press Ctrl+C to stop port forwarding
# Destroy or reset the cluster
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vfarcic commented Feb 15, 2024

I added the old dashboard to the repo and updated the Gist. It's a workaround until I go through the changes.

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