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Last active February 17, 2025 12:41
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# Source:
# Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Service and Network APIs #
# Additional Info:
# - Kubernetes:
# - Mastering Kubernetes: Dive into Workloads APIs:
# - Gateway API - Ingress And Service Mesh Spec Replacement?:
# Setup #
git clone
cd kubernetes-demo
git pull
git checkout services
# Watch if you are not familiar with Devbox. Alternatively, you can skip Devbox and install all the tools listed in `devbox.json` yourself.
devbox shell
# Demo setup is based on Google Cloud GKE. If you prefer a different Kubernetes cluster, skip `gcloud` commands and ensure that your cluster has Gateway API setup.
gcloud auth login
export PROJECT_ID=dot-$(date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S)
gcloud projects create $PROJECT_ID
echo "$PROJECT_ID"
# Open the URL from the output and enable the Kubernetes API
export KUBECONFIG=$PWD/kubeconfig.yaml
gcloud container clusters create dot --project $PROJECT_ID \
--zone us-east1-b --machine-type e2-standard-4 \
--num-nodes 2 --no-enable-autoupgrade --gateway-api standard
gcloud compute firewall-rules create silly-demo-node-port \
--allow tcp:30000 --project $PROJECT_ID
kubectl create namespace a-team
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename deployment/base.yaml
kubectl create namespace b-team
# Kubernetes Without Services #
kubectl --namespace a-team get pods
kubectl --namespace a-team get pod --output yaml | yq .
# Kubernetes Services with ClusterIP #
cat service/base.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename service/base.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team get services
kubectl --namespace a-team run curl \
--image curlimages/curl:8.7.1 --stdin --tty --rm \
-- sh
curl http://silly-demo:8080/fibonacci?number=5
curl http://silly-demo:8080/fibonacci?number=10
curl http://silly-demo:8080/fibonacci?number=15
curl http://silly-demo:8080/fibonacci?number=20
curl http://silly-demo:8080/fibonacci?number=25
kubectl --namespace a-team get pods
# Replace `[...]` with the `NAME` of the first Pod
kubectl --namespace a-team logs [...] | grep fibonacci
kubectl --namespace b-team run curl \
--image curlimages/curl:8.7.1 --stdin --tty --rm \
-- sh
curl http://silly-demo:8080
curl http://silly-demo.a-team:8080
# Kubernetes Services with NodePort #
cat service/node-port.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename service/node-port.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team get services
kubectl get nodes \
--output jsonpath="{.items[0].status.addresses}" | jq .
# Replace `[...]` with the `ExternalIP` address.
curl "http://[...]:30000"
kubectl --namespace a-team delete \
--filename service/node-port.yaml
# Kubernetes Services with LoadBalancer #
cat service/load-balancer.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply \
--filename service/load-balancer.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team get services
kubectl --namespace a-team get services
# Replace `[...]` with the `EXTERNAL-IP`
curl "http://[...]:8080"
# Kubernetes Ingress #
cat service/base.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename service/base.yaml
helm upgrade --install traefik traefik \
--repo \
--namespace traefik --create-namespace --wait
kubectl --namespace traefik get services
# Replace `[...]` with the `EXTERNAL-IP`
export EXTERNAL_IP=[...]
kubectl get ingressclasses
cat service/ingress.yaml
yq --inplace \
".spec.rules[0].host = \"silly-demo.$\"" \
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename service/ingress.yaml
curl "http://silly-demo.$"
# Kubernetes Gateway API #
kubectl get gatewayclasses
cat service/gateway.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename service/gateway.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team get gateways
kubectl --namespace a-team get gateways
# Replace `[...]` with the `ADDRESS`
export EXTERNAL_IP=[...]
cat service/route.yaml
yq --inplace \
".spec.hostnames[0] = \"silly-demo.$\"" \
kubectl --namespace a-team apply --filename service/route.yaml
kubectl --namespace a-team get httproutes
curl "http://silly-demo.$"
# The output might show an error (e.g., `fault filter abort`). If that's the case, the route was not yet configured. Wait for a few moments and re-run the `curl` command.
# Destroy #
gcloud compute firewall-rules delete silly-demo-node-port \
--project $PROJECT_ID --quiet
gcloud container clusters delete dot --project $PROJECT_ID \
--zone us-east1-b --quiet
gcloud projects delete $PROJECT_ID --quiet
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