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Created March 31, 2024 22:37
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# Nix for Everyone: Unleash Devbox for Simplified Development #
# Additional Info:
# - Devbox:
# - Say Goodbye to Containers - Ephemeral Environments with Nix Shell:
# - Say Goodbye to Makefile - Use Taskfile to Manage Tasks in CI/CD Pipelines and Locally:
# Setup #
# Install Devbox by following the instructions at
# Install Kyverno Chainsaw by following the instructions at Normally, I'd run Chainsaw as one of Nix packages but there isn't one just yet so we need to install it the "normal" way. I raised an issue so Chainsaw should soon be available as a Nix package making this installation not necessary.
git clone
cd crossplane-sql
git checkout devbox
# Open a second terminal session in the same directory.
# Run Devbox #
which timoni
devbox shell
timoni --version
which timoni
# Search and Define Devbox Packages #
cat devbox.json
devbox search crossplane
devbox info crossplane-cli
devbox add [email protected]
devbox rm crossplane-cli
devbox search task
devbox search go-ta
devbox search helm
devbox search kubernetes
# Working in a Devbox Shell #
cat devbox.json
devbox shell
task cluster-create
task test-watch
# Press `ctrl+c` to stop watching for changes
echo "Testing history"
# Start typing `echo`
# Run Scripts with Devbox #
cat devbox.json
devbox run --list
devbox run cluster-destroy
cat .github/workflows/build.yaml
# Using Devbox In DevContainers, Docker Containers, and DirEnv #
devbox generate --help
devbox run -- nix-store --gc
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