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Last active March 29, 2024 10:28
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# Source:
# Installing Istio CLI #
# Go to
# Pick a release
# Download and unpack the release, and move it to a directory set in the `PATH`
# NOTE: If you already have `istioctl` from before, make sure to upgrade it to v1.5+ if it's older than that
# Creating Kubernetes Cluster #
# Docker for Desktop:
# minikube:
# GKE:
# EKS:
# AKS:
# Installing Istio #
# NOTE: Make sure that you install `istioctl` v1.5+.
# NOTE: If you already have `istioctl`, make sure that it is updated if it's older than v1.5.
istioctl profile list
istioctl profile dump demo
istioctl manifest install \
--set profile=demo
kubectl get crds | grep ''
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get services
# Confirm that `EXTERNAL-IP` of `istio-ingressgateway` is not `pending`, unless using minikube
kubectl --namespace istio-system \
get pods
# Manual Sidecar Injection #
git clone \
cd k8s-specs
git pull
cat istio/alpine.yml
istioctl kube-inject \
--filename istio/alpine.yml
istioctl kube-inject \
--filename istio/alpine.yml \
| kubectl apply --filename -
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod \
--selector app=alpine
kubectl delete \
--filename istio/alpine.yml
# Automatic Sidecar Injection #
kubectl apply \
--filename istio/alpine.yml
kubectl get pods
kubectl label namespace default \
kubectl describe namespace default
kubectl rollout restart \
deployment alpine
kubectl get pods
kubectl describe pod \
--selector app=alpine
kubectl label namespace default \
kubectl rollout restart \
deployment alpine
kubectl get pods
kubectl delete \
--filename istio/alpine.yml
# Cleaning Up #
istioctl manifest generate \
--set profile=demo
istioctl manifest generate \
--set profile=demo \
| kubectl delete -f -
cd ..
# Destroy the cluster (optional)
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