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Last active September 14, 2024 08:47
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# Source:
# How to Debug Kubernetes Applications With Ephemeral Containers #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Containers Are Not VMs! Which Base Container (Docker) Images Should We Use?:
# - Is Timoni With CUE a Helm Replacement?:
# Setup #
# Create a Kubernetes cluster (any should do starting from
# v1.25).
# Please watch if you are not
# familiar with Timoni.
timoni --namespace demo apply silly-demo \
oci:// --version 1.4.37
export POD=$(kubectl --namespace demo get pods \
--selector \
--output jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
# Demo #
kubectl --namespace demo exec -it $POD -- sh
kubectl --namespace demo debug $POD --image alpine \
--stdin --tty --target silly-demo
ps aux
kubectl --namespace demo get pod $POD --output yaml
kubectl --namespace demo debug $POD --image alpine \
--stdin --tty --share-processes --copy-to silly-demo-debug
ps aux
kubectl --namespace demo delete pod silly-demo-debug
# Destroy #
# Destroy or reset the cluster.
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