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Last active April 3, 2024 12:19
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# Source:
# Mastering Kubernetes Testing Kyverno Chainsaw! #
# Additional Info:
# - Chainsaw:
# - Kubernetes Testing Techniques with KUTTL:
# - Say Goodbye to Makefile - Use Taskfile to Manage Tasks in CI/CD Pipelines and Locally:
# Setup #
# Make sure that Docker is up and running.
git clone
cd crossplane-sql
git pull
git checkout chainsaw
# Add Chainsaw to `devbox.json`
# Watch FIXME: if you are not familiar with Devbox. Alternatively, you can skip Devbox and install all the tools listed in `devbox.json` yourself.
devbox shell
task cluster-create
# Kyverno Chainsaw in Action #
chainsaw test
cat tests/aws/chainsaw-test.yaml
cat tests/common/install.yaml
cat tests/aws/chainsaw-test.yaml
cat tests/common/assert-install.yaml
cat tests/aws/assert-install.yaml
cat tests/aws/chainsaw-test.yaml
cat tests/common/db.yaml
cat tests/common/assert-db.yaml
cat tests/aws/chainsaw-test.yaml
# Destroy #
task cluster-destroy
git checkout main
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