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Last active December 4, 2024 11:50
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# Source:
# Single Pane of Glass for Kubernetes Clusters with Clusterpedia #
# Additional Info:
# - Clusterpedia:
# Setup #
git clone
cd clusterpedia-demo
# Watch if you are not familiar with Devbox. Alternatively, you can skip Devbox and install all the tools listed in `devbox.json` yourself.
devbox shell
chmod +x
source .env
# Clusterpedia Setup #
kubectl get pediacluster
cat cluster-sync-resources.yaml
kubectl apply --filename cluster-sync-resources.yaml
cat pediaclusters/dot-01.yaml
cat pediaclusters/dot-02.yaml
cat pediaclusters/dot-03.yaml
kubectl apply --filename pediaclusters
kubectl get pediacluster
kubectl config get-clusters
curl -sfL \ \
| sh -
kubectl config get-clusters
kubectl --cluster dot-01 api-resources
kubectl --cluster dot-02 api-resources
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia api-resources
# Clusterpedia Search, Filtering, and Sorting #
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments --all-namespaces
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get pods --all-namespaces
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team get deployments
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team \
get deployments \
--selector ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team \
get deployments \
--selector ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team \
get pods --field-selector="status.phase=Running"
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team \
get pods --field-selector="status.phase notin (Running)"
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team \
get deployments \
--selector " in (dot-01,dot-02)"
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments --all-namespaces \
--selector ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments --all-namespaces \
--selector ""
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia get deployments --all-namespaces \
--selector "" \
--selector " in (cluster, namespace)"
kubectl --cluster clusterpedia --namespace a-team get sqlclaims
kubectl --cluster dot-01 --namespace a-team \
delete sqlclaim my-db-01
# Destroy #
chmod +x
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