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Created September 12, 2021 21:33
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# Referenced videos:
# - How to run local multi-node Kubernetes clusters using kind:
# Setup #
# A kubectl plugin providing diagnostic tools for Kubernetes applications
git clone
cd troubleshoot-demo
# Please watch if you are not familiar with kind
# Feel free to use any other Kubernetes platform
kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
# If not using kind, change the command to the one valid for your Kubernetes distribution
kubectl apply \
kubectl --namespace ingress-nginx \
rollout status \
deployment ingress-nginx-controller
kubectl create namespace production
kubectl --namespace production \
apply --filename k8s
# Install Krew ( if you do not have it already
kubectl krew install preflight
kubectl krew install support-bundle
# Preflights checks #
kubectl preflight preflight.yaml
cat preflight.yaml
kubectl preflight preflight.yaml \
--namespace production
# Open
# Fixing the issues #
cat kind-new.yaml
kind delete cluster
kind create cluster \
--config kind-new.yaml
kubectl apply \
kubectl --namespace ingress-nginx \
rollout status \
deployment ingress-nginx-controller
kubectl create namespace production
kubectl --namespace production \
apply --filename k8s
kubectl preflight preflight.yaml \
--namespace production
# Creating a support bundle #
cat support-bundle.yaml
# Open
kubectl support-bundle \
support-bundle.yaml \
--namespace production
# Replace `[...]` with the name of the bundle (from the output of the previous command) without including the `.tar.gz` extension (e.g., support-bundle-2021-09-02T00_23_23)
export BUNDLE=[...]
tar -xzvf $BUNDLE.tar.gz
ls -1 $BUNDLE/
cat $BUNDLE/cluster-info/cluster_version.json
ls -1 $BUNDLE/cluster-resources
cat $BUNDLE/cluster-resources/pods/production.json
cat $BUNDLE/cluster-resources/ingress/production.json
cat $BUNDLE/*.log
# Open
# Destroy #
kind delete cluster
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