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Created March 1, 2014 13:55
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Startup machinery
public partial class Startup
/// <summary>
/// This part has been added to have an API endpoint to authenticate users that accept a Facebook access token
/// </summary>
static Startup()
PublicClientId = "self";
UserManagerFactory = () =>
var userManager = new UserManager<ApplicationUser>(new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(new ApplicationDbContext()));
userManager.UserValidator = new UserValidator<ApplicationUser>(userManager) { AllowOnlyAlphanumericUserNames = false };
return userManager;
OAuthOptions = new OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions
TokenEndpointPath = new PathString("/Token"),
Provider = new ApplicationOAuthProvider(PublicClientId, UserManagerFactory),
AuthorizeEndpointPath = new PathString("/api/Account/ExternalLogin"),
AccessTokenExpireTimeSpan = TimeSpan.FromDays(14),
AllowInsecureHttp = true
// This is a key step of the solution as we need to supply a meaningful and fully working
// implementation of the OAuthBearerOptions object when we configure the OAuth Bearer authentication mechanism.
// The trick here is to reuse the previously defined OAuthOptions object that already
// implements almost everything we need
OAuthBearerOptions = new OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions();
OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenFormat = OAuthOptions.AccessTokenFormat;
OAuthBearerOptions.AccessTokenProvider = OAuthOptions.AccessTokenProvider;
OAuthBearerOptions.AuthenticationMode = OAuthOptions.AuthenticationMode;
OAuthBearerOptions.AuthenticationType = OAuthOptions.AuthenticationType;
OAuthBearerOptions.Description = OAuthOptions.Description;
// The provider is the only object we need to redefine. See below for the implementation
OAuthBearerOptions.Provider = new CustomBearerAuthenticationProvider();
OAuthBearerOptions.SystemClock = OAuthOptions.SystemClock;
public static OAuthBearerAuthenticationOptions OAuthBearerOptions { get; private set; }
public static OAuthAuthorizationServerOptions OAuthOptions { get; private set; }
public static Func<UserManager<ApplicationUser>> UserManagerFactory { get; set; }
public static string PublicClientId { get; private set; }
// For more information on configuring authentication, please visit
public void ConfigureAuth(IAppBuilder app)
//[Initial boilerplate code]
//Here we use the OAuthBearerOptions object
OAuthBearerAuthenticationExtensions.UseOAuthBearerAuthentication(app, OAuthBearerOptions);
//[More boilerplate code]
public class CustomBearerAuthenticationProvider : OAuthBearerAuthenticationProvider
// This validates the identity based on the issuer of the claim.
// The issuer is set in the API endpoint that logs the user in
public override Task ValidateIdentity(OAuthValidateIdentityContext context)
var claims = context.Ticket.Identity.Claims;
if (claims.Count() == 0 || claims.Any(claim => claim.Issuer != "Facebook" && claim.Issuer != "LOCAL_AUTHORITY" ))
return Task.FromResult<object>(null);
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