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Created October 7, 2011 19:27
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The 2D Linear Perceptron [simple example]
# reference =>
from pylab import rand,plot,show,norm
def generateData(n):
generates a 2D linearly separable dataset with n samples, where the third element is the label
xb = (rand(n)*2-1)/2-0.5
yb = (rand(n)*2-1)/2+0.5
xr = (rand(n)*2-1)/2+0.5
yr = (rand(n)*2-1)/2-0.5
inputs = []
for i in range(len(xb)):
return inputs
class Perceptron:
def __init__(self):
self.w = rand(2)*2-1
self.learningRate = 0.1
def response(self,x):
y = x[0]*self.w[0]+x[1]*self.w[1]
if y >= 0:
return 1
return -1
def updateWeights(self,x,iterError):
w(t+1) = w(t) + learningRate * (d-r) * x where d is desired output, r is the perceptron
response and (d-r) is the iteration error
self.w[0] += self.learningRate*iterError*x[0]
self.w[1] += self.learningRate*iterError*x[1]
def train(self,data):
Every vector in data must have three elements, the third element (x[2]) must be the label
learned = False
iteration = 0
while not learned:
globalError = 0.0
for x in data:
r = self.response(x)
if x[2] != r:
iterError = x[2] - r
globalError += abs(iterError)
iteration += 1
if globalError == 0.0 or iteration >= 100:
print 'iterations',iteration
learned = True
def main():
trainset = generateData(30)
testset = generateData(20)
perceptron = Perceptron()
for x in testset:
r = perceptron.response(x)
if r != x[2]:
print 'error'
if r == 1:
# plot of the separation line, which is orthogonal to w
n = norm(perceptron.w)
ww = perceptron.w/n
ww1 = [ww[1], -ww[0]]
ww2 = [-ww[1], ww[0]]
plot([ww1[0], ww2[0]],[ww1[1], ww2[1]],'--k')
if __name__ == '__main__':
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