To back up an extension of Google Chrome
in Linux, you should follow these instructions:
cd ~/.config/google-chrome/[$ProfileName or $ProfileId]/Extensions/
tar -cf [$ExtensionId].tar ./[$ExtensionId]
mv ./[$ExtensionId].tar ~/Download
- In the above snippet command, you should replace
[$ProfileName or $ProfileId]
with the proper name of your profile on your system. - Also, replace
with the appropriate name.
Please consider that Google Chrome stores information for each profile inside a separate directory. All information for each profile exists under this path:
cd .config/google-chrome/[$ProfileName or $ProfileId]/
- if you didn't create any profile in your
Google Chrome
you should find yor infomration under this below path :
cd .config/google-chrome/Default/Extension
Please ensure that you have the necessary permissions to access and modify the files related to the extension before proceeding with the backup process.