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Created July 17, 2021 17:56
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// ViewModelTests.swift
// UnitTestingTests
// Created by Maksim Vialykh on 7/17/21.
import XCTest
import UnitTesting
class MockNetworkClient: NetworkClient {
var mockedResult: Result<Data, Error> = .failure(NetworkError.noData)
func send(request: URLRequest, result: @escaping (Result<Data, Error>) -> Void) {
class MockRouter: Router {
var openMainViewExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "openMainView expectation")
func openMainView() {
class ViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
let viewModelOnErrorExpectation = XCTestExpectation(description: "viewModel expectation")
let timeout = 0.5
var viewModel: DefaultViewModel!
var client: MockNetworkClient!
var router: MockRouter!
override func setUpWithError() throws {
client = MockNetworkClient()
router = MockRouter()
viewModel = DefaultViewModel(
client: client,
router: router
override func tearDownWithError() throws {
client = nil
router = nil
viewModel = nil
func testEmptyUsernameFail() throws {
// Configure
viewModel.onError = { [weak self] error in
// Check
XCTAssertEqual(error as? SignupError, SignupError.emptyUsername)
// Act
viewModel.signup(username: nil, password: nil)
// Wait
wait(for: [viewModelOnErrorExpectation], timeout: timeout)
func testEmptyPasswordFail() throws {
// Configure
viewModel.onError = { [weak self] error in
// Check
XCTAssertEqual(error as? SignupError, SignupError.emptyPassword)
// Act
viewModel.signup(username: "testUsername", password: nil)
// Wait
wait(for: [viewModelOnErrorExpectation], timeout: timeout)
func testNetworkFail() throws {
// Configure
let expectedError = NetworkError.noData
client.mockedResult = .failure(expectedError)
viewModel.onError = { [weak self] error in
// Check
XCTAssertEqual(error as? NetworkError, expectedError)
// Act
viewModel.signup(username: "testUsername", password: "testPassword")
// Wait
wait(for: [viewModelOnErrorExpectation], timeout: timeout)
func testSignupSuccess() throws {
// Configure
client.mockedResult = .success(Data())
router.openMainViewExpectation.expectedFulfillmentCount = 1
// Act
viewModel.signup(username: "testUsername", password: "testPassword")
// Wait
wait(for: [router.openMainViewExpectation], timeout: timeout)
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