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Last active December 10, 2019 19:46
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[python] maze generator
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import random
from tkinter import *
except ImportError:
from Tkinter import *
class Block(object):
def __init__(self, mmap, x, y, direction=None):
super(Block, self).__init__()
self.walls = [True, True, True, True] # top,right,bottom,left
self.mmap = mmap
if mmap:
mmap.mmap[x][y] = self
self.x, self.y = x, y
if direction is not None:
direction = (direction + 2) % 4
self.walls[direction] = False
def __unicode__(self):
return "%s" % [1 if e else 0 for e in self.walls]
def __str__(self):
return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
def get_next_block_pos(self, direction):
x = self.x
y = self.y
if direction == 0: # Top
y -= 1
elif direction == 1: # Right
x += 1
if direction == 2: # Bottom
y += 1
if direction == 3: # Left
x -= 1
return x, y
def get_next_block(self):
directions = list(range(4))
for direction in directions:
if not self.walls[direction]: # if no wall
x, y = self.get_next_block_pos(direction)
if x >= self.mmap.max_x or x < 0 or y >= self.mmap.max_y or y < 0:
if self.mmap.mmap[x][y]: # if walked
self.walls[direction] = False
return Block(self.mmap, x, y, direction)
return None
class Map(object):
def __init__(self):
super(Map, self).__init__()
def reset_map(self):
self.gen_map(self.max_x, self.max_y)
def gen_map(self, max_x=10, max_y=10):
self.max_x, self.max_y = max_x, max_y
self.mmap = [[None for j in range(self.max_y)] for i in range(self.max_x)]
self.solution = []
block_stack = [Block(None, -1, -1)] # a unused block
block = Block(self, 0, 0)
while block_stack:
next_block = block.get_next_block()
if next_block:
block = next_block
if block.x == self.max_x - 1 and block.y == self.max_y - 1: # is end
for o in block_stack:
if o.x >= 0:
self.solution.append((o.x, o.y))
self.solution.append((self.max_x - 1, self.max_y - 1))
block = block_stack.pop()
def __unicode__(self):
out = ""
for y in range(self.max_y):
for x in range(self.max_x):
out += "%s" % self.mmap[x][y]
out += "\n"
return out
def __str__(self):
return unicode(self).encode('utf-8')
class DrawMap(object):
def __init__(self, mmap, cell_width=10):
super(DrawMap, self).__init__()
self.mmap = mmap
self.cell_width = cell_width
def get_map_size(self):
# width, height
return (self.mmap.max_x + 2) * self.cell_width, (self.mmap.max_y + 2) * self.cell_width
def create_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwarg):
raise NotImplemented()
def create_solution_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2)
def draw_start(self):
raise NotImplemented()
def draw_end(self):
raise NotImplemented()
def get_cell_center(self, x, y):
w = self.cell_width
return (x + 1) * w + w // 2, (y + 1) * w + w // 2
def draw_solution(self):
pre = (0, 0)
for o in self.mmap.solution:
p1 = self.get_cell_center(*pre)
p2 = self.get_cell_center(*o)
self.create_solution_line(p1[0], p1[1], p2[0], p2[1])
pre = o
def draw_cell(self, block):
width = self.cell_width
x = block.x + 1
y = block.y + 1
walls = block.walls
if walls[0]:
self.create_line(x * width, y * width, (x + 1) * width + 1, y * width)
if walls[1]:
self.create_line((x + 1) * width, y * width, (x + 1) * width, (y + 1) * width + 1)
if walls[2]:
self.create_line(x * width, (y + 1) * width, (x + 1) * width + 1, (y + 1) * width)
if walls[3]:
self.create_line(x * width, y * width, x * width, (y + 1) * width + 1)
def draw_map(self):
for y in range(self.mmap.max_y):
for x in range(self.mmap.max_x):
class TKDrawMap(DrawMap):
def __init__(self, mmap):
super(TKDrawMap, self).__init__(mmap, cell_width=10)
master = Tk()
width, height = self.get_map_size()
self.w = Canvas(master, width=width, height=width)
def draw_start(self):
r = self.cell_width // 3
x, y = self.get_cell_center(0, 0)
start = self.w.create_oval(x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r, fill="red")
self.w.tag_bind(start, '<ButtonPress-1>', lambda e: self.draw_solution())
def draw_end(self):
r = self.cell_width // 3
x, y = self.get_cell_center(self.mmap.max_x - 1, self.mmap.max_y - 1)
end = self.w.create_oval(x - r, y - r, x + r, y + r, fill="red")
self.w.tag_bind(end, '<ButtonPress-1>', lambda e: self.reset_map())
def reset_map(self):
def create_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs):
self.w.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, **kwargs)
def create_solution_line(self, x1, y1, x2, y2):
self.create_line(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill="red")
def main():
m = Map()
m.gen_map(20, 20)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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