Start your Kubernetes cluster.
On one terminal window:
# Open connection from another terminal window
kubectl proxy
On a different terminal window:
# List all API urls
curl http://localhost:8001/ | yq '.paths[]'
# List all objects and verbs for an API path /api/v1
curl http://localhost:8001/api/v1 | yq '.resources[] | [{"resources","verbs":.verbs}]'
# Combined in a single line
for url in $(curl -s http://localhost:8001/ | yq '.paths[]' | xargs) ; do doc=$(curl -s http://localhost:8001$url) ; echo "# $url" ; [ "$doc" != "ok" ] && echo "$doc" | yq '[.resources[] | {"apiGroups":["'$url'"], "resources":[.name],"verbs":.verbs}] | .. style="double" | .[].* style="flow"' ; done
If you want a script that skips all endpoints that doesn't return relevant information:
# Remember to run on another terminal before this script:
# kubectl proxy
set -euo pipefail
# Show Kubernetes server version
echo -n '# '
kubectl version --short 2>/dev/null | grep 'Server'
for url in $(curl -s http://localhost:8001/ | yq '.paths[]' | xargs) ; do
[ "$url" == "/metrics" ] && continue
doc=$(curl -s http://localhost:8001$url)
# If URL doesn't publish info, skip
[ "$doc" == "ok" ] && continue
# Remove from apiGroup prefix (/, /api/v1, /apis/) and suffix ( /v1, /v1beta1)
apiGroup=$(echo $url | sed 's/\/api\/v1//' | sed 's/\/apis\///' | sed 's/^\///' | sed 's/\/v[0-9]*\(beta[0-9]\+\)\?$//' )
# Get permissions and format them nicely in YAML
yaml=$(echo "$doc" | yq -M '[.resources[] | {"apiGroups":["'$apiGroup'"], "resources":[.name],"verbs":.verbs}] | .. style="double" | .[].* style="flow"' 2>/dev/null ||:);
# TODO: group resources from the same apiGroup with the same verbs together
# If document is empty, skip it
[ "$yaml" == "[]" ] && continue
echo ""
echo "# $url"
echo "$yaml"
Very useful, thanks, safed me some serious time.