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import tweepy | |
import csv | |
import pandas as pd | |
####input your credentials here | |
consumer_key = '' | |
consumer_secret = '' | |
access_token = '' | |
access_token_secret = '' | |
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler(consumer_key, consumer_secret) | |
auth.set_access_token(access_token, access_token_secret) | |
api = tweepy.API(auth,wait_on_rate_limit=True) | |
#####United Airlines | |
# Open/Create a file to append data | |
csvFile = open('ua.csv', 'a') | |
#Use csv Writer | |
csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile) | |
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search,q="#unitedAIRLINES",count=100, | |
lang="en", | |
since="2017-04-03").items(): | |
print (tweet.created_at, tweet.text) | |
csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8')]) |
Hi, i want to save the tweets that i obtain into an array, is it possible?! thanks
yes it is possible
Thank you, this is really valuable, i was going thru another path but this is shows that it can be done in a simple way.
Great work!!
I have a question- will it return any response if there is one only tweet which is dated Feb 19, 2015? For hashtag- LexusEnformRemote
I have read Tweepy only return tweets for the past 7 days.
One more thing, how to search for multiple hashtags in a single loop?
Great work!!
I have a question- will it return any response if there is one only tweet which is dated Feb 19, 2015? For hashtag- LexusEnformRemote
I have read Tweepy only return tweets for the past 7 days.One more thing, how to search for multiple hashtags in a single loop?
Answering my own question of getting tweets beyond the past 7 days. I used GetOldTweets3 library by @Jefferson-Henrique and it's working fine for me. We can get tweets by multiple user accounts in one go but search doesn't take two hashtags.
it working fine...but no data is stored in the file....
please help me...
hey i am also getting the same error did u sove that
it working fine...but no data is stored in the file....
please help me...hey i am also getting the same error did u sove that
It's my first time with python and this library and I have a strange error. In my query, i don't have all the tweets, only the 25-30 last tweets. But if I do the same search in Twitter, I have a lot of tweets in the results. Anyone knows why?
Running this script w/ Python 3.6, it's working just fine, outputting the data and creating the CSV file, but the CSV file appears empty when I open it. Any ideas?
I am also facing same issues. Can you tell me how you fixed it?
ua.csv is an empty file ...can you please guide on how to get the data in ua.csv
thanks a lot in advance please do help !!
I am also facing same issues. Can you tell me how you fixed it?
Is it possible to make this "live" such as everytime a tweet is posted with a #cat it fetches it? Or that the code just looks a the last minute every other minute?
I hope this is clear?
Can anyone help me find a way to obtain these data for longer period of time? such as using gotoldtweets3? Thank you very much.
just signed up to github to say thank you
Hello Thank You for the above code, I wanted to download data by hashtag and the location. For example - tweets with "#coronavirus" and the locations of the tweets "India" and the tweets time limit from "2020-04-01" till "2020-04-31", can anyone please help me for that, It is really important for my research.
How to retrieve the name of the user who tweeted?
How can I get tweets containing only keywords I mentioned independent of position, like I tried stream.filter(track=["good","bank","@NYC"])
, I used these keywords in the code but sometimes I am getting tweets containing either 1,2 or 3 of them together. I want to get tweets containing 3 of these keywords, independent of the position.
I am a novice here. The code didn't work for me first. However, it worked after I added one line to the end - csvFile.close()
Not sure if I am the only one who faced it or it is such a trivial problem that all others have fixed it already in their own codes.
This code works. Thank you!
How can I increase the character limit that is currently forced on the tweets extracted?
Thank you!
What is the max value to which I can set the count to?
Thanks! This is short and sweet. Worked for me using: Python 3.7.6
also, for those wondering how to get output into a Pandas DF, I did this (added two lists):
created_at = []
text = []
for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search,q=["#covidnurse"],count=100,
print (tweet.created_at, tweet.text)
csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8')])
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'created_at': created_at,
'tweet': text
df #RT (Retweets) are duplicates since Twitter is an echo chamber; will need to get rid of duplicates
df_clean = df[~df.tweet.str.contains("RT")]
Great work!!
I have a question- will it return any response if there is one only tweet which is dated Feb 19, 2015? For hashtag- LexusEnformRemote
I have read Tweepy only return tweets for the past 7 days.
One more thing, how to search for multiple hashtags in a single loop?Answering my own question of getting tweets beyond the past 7 days. I used GetOldTweets3 library by @Jefferson-Henrique and it's working fine for me. We can get tweets by multiple user accounts in one go but search doesn't take two hashtags.
@abhishek-negi to search for multiple hashtags you could perform a loop from a list.
Something like this:
list_tweets_all_hashtags = []
hashtags_list = #tag1, #tag2, #tagN
for hashtag in hashtags_list:
list_by_tag = [for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q=hashtag, result_type="recent").items(100)]
I am getting the below error at this line: csvFile = open('askgretawhy.csv', 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'askgretawhy.csv'
Please help me understand where is the issue.
I am getting the below error at this line: csvFile = open('askgretawhy.csv', 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'askgretawhy.csv'Please help me understand where is the issue.
It’s most likely you don’t have the appropriate permissions to write/overwrite file askgretawhy.csv or to write on the current folder where the program runs.
If the file already exists, I suggest to run chmod 777 askgretawhy.csv
and try again. If not, try giving less strict permissions to the current folder, if you can.
I am getting the below error at this line: csvFile = open('askgretawhy.csv', 'a')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 1, in
PermissionError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: 'askgretawhy.csv'
Please help me understand where is the issue.It’s most likely you don’t have the appropriate permissions to write/overwrite file askgretawhy.csv or to write on the current folder where the program runs.
If the file already exists, I suggest to run
chmod 777 askgretawhy.csv
and try again. If not, try giving less strict permissions to the current folder, if you can.
How do I change the permissions? I am working on basic Python editor and do not know where can I create the file for Python to read it.
File "C:/Users/hp/Documents/1.py", line 5
consumer_key ='249QYJU8UqoS364VqIOoWmpJQ'
IndentationError: unexpected indent
Getting this error please help
@riiyasharmaa you might need to unindent (tab to the left)
Many thanks for the crawler mate, I was looking for it and didn´t have time to spend on it.
I get This error from Python :
SyntaxError: (unicode error) 'unicodeescape' codec can't decode bytes in position 22-23: truncated \UXXXXXXXX escape
Any help please !!
how we can add the geolocalisation like : France to this script and more filters in the search ???
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last)
C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_11192/3895188609.py in
19 #Use csv Writer
20 csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile)
---> 21 for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q="#unitedAIRLINES",count=100, lang="en", since="2021-09-14").items():
22 print (tweet.created_at, tweet.text)
23 csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8')])
AttributeError: 'API' object has no attribute 'search'
I am using the latest version of Anaconda Navigator 2.10 and jupyter Notebook 6.4.4.
I have regenerated API tokens. How do should I fix this?
AttributeError Traceback (most recent call last) C:\Users\ADMINI~1\AppData\Local\Temp/ipykernel_11192/3895188609.py in 19 #Use csv Writer 20 csvWriter = csv.writer(csvFile) ---> 21 for tweet in tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q="#unitedAIRLINES",count=100, lang="en", since="2021-09-14").items(): 22 print (tweet.created_at, tweet.text) 23 csvWriter.writerow([tweet.created_at, tweet.text.encode('utf-8')])
AttributeError: 'API' object has no attribute 'search'
I am using the latest version of Anaconda Navigator 2.10 and jupyter Notebook 6.4.4.
I have regenerated API tokens. How do should I fix this?
I am getting the exact error reported above.
I had to upgrade my version of Anaconda and then installed tweepy version 4.1.0 and from there the following command is not working for me:
tweepy.Cursor(api.search, q=ht, since=since_date_str).items()
Any idea how to solve it? do I have to go back to a previous version of tweepy? if so, which version?
How do i do that