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Created September 24, 2013 16:37
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Easy AngularJS Directive for Google Places Autocomplete
var myApp = angular.module('myApp', []);
myApp.directive('googleplace', function() {
return {
require: 'ngModel',
link: function(scope, element, attrs, model) {
var options = {
types: [],
componentRestrictions: {}
scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], options);
google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed', function() {
scope.$apply(function() {
//myApp.factory('myService', function() {});
function MyCtrl($scope) {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<div>Google Places Autocomplte integration in Angular</div>
<div>To Test, start typing the name of any Indian city</div>
<div>selection is: {{chosenPlace}}</div>
<div><input ng-model="chosenPlace" googleplace/></div>
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You saved the day.

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the original solution worked like a charm..


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I'm using ionic - and I am trying to pass the lat long to a function when I click a button on the page. How do I access the lat long? my ng-model variable is 'chosenPlace', and in my controller I have defined $scope.chosenPlace, however when I try retrieve the value it is undefined?

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exaland commented Oct 19, 2016

Hi , Please help me i want use this script with 2 Input text box -> Pickup Location and Destination

here my script :

angular.module('app.directives', [])
.directive('googleplace', function() {
    return {
        require : 'ngModel',
        link : function(scope, element, attrs, model) {
            var options = {
                types :  [],
                 componentRestrictions: {country: "fr"}

            scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0],

            google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed',
                    function() {
                          var geoComponents = scope.gPlace.getPlace();
                            var latitude =;
                        var longitude = geoComponents.geometry.location.lng();
                        var addressComponents = geoComponents.address_components;
                        scope.$apply(function() {
                            console.log("Latitude : "  + latitude +"  Longitude : " + longitude);



thanks for ur help

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degaray commented Mar 14, 2017

I am trying to add this directive into an ionic project and use it for two different fields: from, to. It works great with from, but if I start writing from, then delete it, type it again and select it, 'to' becomes un selectable. Any ideas how I can make it work?

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mukeshshahi commented Mar 17, 2017

hi please suggest how to select multiple location

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Teaumate commented Apr 26, 2017

added google sample code in order to implement proximity autocomplete.

            // Bias the autocomplete object to the user's geographical location,
            // as supplied by the browser's 'navigator.geolocation' object.
            if (navigator.geolocation) {
                navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(function(position) {
                    var geolocation = {
                        lat: position.coords.latitude,
                        lng: position.coords.longitude
                    var circle = new google.maps.Circle({
                        center: geolocation,
                        radius: position.coords.accuracy
            scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], options);

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Hi i am trying to implement this in ionic project, selection from the dropdown works fine on android devices, but on ios devices the dropdown values are un selectable, any ideas how to make it work ? or are there any other directives which i can use in an ionic project ?.

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gpcaretti commented May 31, 2017

This is my improve of the solution from @NateJBeck.


  1. aggreated returned value into a unique json
  2. Enforced the research of zip, city, etc. (see $scope.extract)
  3. Added long. e lat.
  4. added a callback on found place
<my-google-autocomplete id="address" name="address"

The directive:

angular.module('google-place-autocomplete', [])	// Gp renamed and add []
.directive('myGoogleAutocomplete', function () {
	return {
		replace: true,
		require: 'ngModel',
		scope: {
			ngModel: '=',
			googleModel: '=',
			onSelect: '&?',	// optional callback on selected successfully: 'onPostedBid(googleModel)'
		template: '<input class="form-control" type="text" autocomplete="off">',
		link: function ($scope, element, attrs, model) {
			var googleOptions = {
				types: ['address'],  // change or empty it, if you want no restrictions 
				componentRestrictions: { country: 'it' }  // change or empty it, if you want no restrictions

			var autocomplete = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], googleOptions);

			google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', function () {

				 * Search gor the passed 'type' of info into the google place component
				 * @param {type} components
				 * @param {type} type
				 * @returns {type} 
				$scope.extract = function (components, type) {
					for (var i = 0; i < components.length; i++)
						for (var j = 0; j < components[i].types.length; j++)
							if (components[i].types[j] == type) return components[i].short_name;
					return '';

				$scope.$apply(function () {
					var place = autocomplete.getPlace();
					if (!place.geometry) {
						// User entered the name of a Place that was not suggested and pressed the Enter key, or the Place Details request failed.
						model.$setValidity('place', false);
						//console.log("No details available for input: '" + + "'");

					$scope.googleModel = {};
					$scope.googleModel.placeId = place.place_id;
					$scope.googleModel.latitude =;
					$scope.googleModel.longitude = place.geometry.location.lng();
					$scope.googleModel.formattedAddress = place.formatted_address;
					if (place.address_components) {
						$scope.googleModel.address = [
							$scope.extract(place.address_components, 'route'),
							$scope.extract(place.address_components, 'street_number')
						].join(' ');
						$scope.googleModel.cityName = $scope.extract(place.address_components, 'locality');
						$scope.googleModel.provName = $scope.extract(place.address_components, 'administrative_area_level_2');
						$scope.googleModel.regionName = $scope.extract(place.address_components, 'administrative_area_level_1');
						$scope.googleModel.zipCodeId = $scope.extract(place.address_components, 'postal_code');
						$scope.googleModel.countryCode = $scope.extract(place.address_components, 'country');

					model.$setValidity('place', true);
					if (attrs.onSelect) $scope.onSelect({ $item: $scope.googleModel });

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I don't think the code in this project is valid any longer.
the following page seems to work and has a plunker example

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yogesh61990 commented Aug 1, 2017

i am trying to same code but grtting angular.js:14525 Error: [$controller:ctrlreg] error .

<script src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src="app.js"></script>
<div>Google Places Autocomplte integration in Angular</div>

<div>To Test, start typing the name of any Indian city</div>

<div>selection is: {{chosenPlace}}</div>

<div><input ng-model="chosenPlace" googleplace/></div>

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usman10scorpio commented Sep 7, 2017

How can I use make this directive useful if i have multiple middle points in ionic ?

This is my code

<label class="item item-input">
          <input type="text" id="location" placeholder="Your Currunt Location" ng-model="location.address" googleplace="" class="ng-pristine ng-valid" autocomplete="on"><!-- googleplace -->
     <label class="item item-input">
          <input type="text" id="middle" placeholder="Pick up point" ng-model="middle.address" googleplace="" class="ng-pristine ng-valid" autocomplete="on"><!-- googleplace -->
     <label class="item item-input">
          <input type="text" id="end" placeholder="Exit point" ng-model="end.address" googleplace="" class="ng-pristine ng-valid" autocomplete="on"><!-- googleplace -->

what if i have multiple middle points and i am making a route between them? How would i do that ?

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Dhaval4241 commented Oct 2, 2017

when i am using this directive i getting error ReferenceError: google is not defined please give solution for that

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baruchvlz commented Oct 18, 2017

@Dhaval4241 You need to add the Google script to your index.html

<script type="text/javascript" src="{YOUR_API_KEY}&libraries=places&sensor=false"></script>

google should now be avaiable in the window scope.

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bindi11 commented Mar 30, 2018

Helped me a lot. Thanks!

Can you help me out in binding places for specific 1 city only?

My current directive code is,

angular.module('testApp').directive('googlePlace', function () {
       return {
           require: 'ngModel',
           link: function (scope, element, attrs, model) {

               var southWest = new google.maps.LatLng(36.970298, -87.01993499999998);
               var northEast = new google.maps.LatLng(42.5083379, -91.51307889999998);

               var SyracruiseBounds = new google.maps.LatLngBounds(southWest, northEast);

              var options = {
                   bounds: SyracruiseBounds,
                   types: ['address']
               scope.gPlace = new google.maps.places.Autocomplete(element[0], options);
               scope.gPlace.bindTo('bounds', map);
               scope.gPlace.setOptions({ strictBounds: true });

               google.maps.event.addListener(scope.gPlace, 'place_changed', function () {

                   var geoComponents = scope.gPlace.getPlace();

                   var latitude =;
                   var longitude = geoComponents.geometry.location.lng();
                   var addressComponents = geoComponents.address_components;

                   addressComponents = addressComponents.filter(function (component) {
                       switch (component.types[0].locality) {
                           case "Syracruse": // city
                               return true;
                               return false;
                   }).map(function (obj) {
                       return obj.long_name;

                   addressComponents.push(latitude, longitude);

                   scope.$apply(function () {
                       scope.details = addressComponents; // array containing each location component

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Hi, this helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing this. Just to get some more information on this, is it possible that using this directive, i can have two places in a form which has this directive defined? I tried attaching this directive to two input elements and it only works for one. Anything on this would be a great help. Thanks.

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