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Trilateration using Geo. Solving linear equation, reducing error by tuning the radius, adjusting the overlapped and enveloped circle to find the best position.
package com.kianaanalyitcs.location.algorithm;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;
public abstract class OwnTrilaterationAlgorithm {
* @param rssi
* @return
static double getRadiusFromRSSISimple(double rssi) {
// double base = 10;
double base = 8;
double exponent = -(rssi + 37.57) / 27.251999999997867;
double distance = Math.pow(base, exponent);
return distance;
* checking circle collision
static boolean checkingCircleIntersection(double x1, double y1, double distance, double x2, double y2, double distance2) {
return Math.abs((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2)) < (distance + distance2) * (distance + distance2);
* @return
static double gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(double x1, double y1, double distance, double x2, double y2, double distance2) {
return Math.sqrt((x1 - x2) * (x1 - x2) + (y1 - y2) * (y1 - y2));
* @param distance
* @param r1
* @param r2
* @return
static boolean checkInsideOtherCircle(double distance, double r1, double r2) {
if ((distance <= Math.abs(r1 - r2))) {
// Inside
System.out.println("Circle2 is inside Circle1");
return true;
} else {
return false;
* @return
public static double[] calculatingTrilaterationUsingAlgebra(double[][] points, double[] distance, double[] latitudes, double[] longitudes) {
// calculate coordinates of U using the formula for y and x
double a1 = points[0][0], a2 = points[1][0], a3 = points[2][0], b1 = points[0][1], b2 = points[1][1], b3 = points[2][1], x, y;
double r1 = distance[0], r2 = distance[1], r3 = distance[2];
double a1Sq = a1 * a1, a2Sq = a2 * a2, a3Sq = a3 * a3, b1Sq = b1 * b1, b2Sq = b2 * b2, b3Sq = b3 * b3,
r1Sq = r1 * r1, r2Sq = r2 * r2, r3Sq = r3 * r3;
double numerator1 = (a2 - a1) * (a3Sq + b3Sq - r3Sq) + (a1 - a3) * (a2Sq + b2Sq - r2Sq)
+ (a3 - a2) * (a1Sq + b1Sq - r1Sq);
double denominator1 = 2 * (b3 * (a2 - a1) + b2 * (a1 - a3) + b1 * (a3 - a2));
// lng value
y = numerator1 / denominator1;
double numerator2 = r2Sq - r1Sq + a1Sq - a2Sq + b1Sq - b2Sq - 2 * (b1 - b2) * y;
double denominator2 = 2 * (a1 - a2);
// lat value
x = numerator2 / denominator2;
System.out.println("The Coordinates of point U are " + x + " " + y);
double point[] = new double[2];
point[0] = x;
point[1] = y;
CoordinateConverter.Hemisphere hemisphere = CoordinateConverter.getHemisphere(latitudes[0]);
int longZone = CoordinateConverter.getLongZone(longitudes[1]);
double positions[] = CoordinateConverter.utm2GPS(point, longZone, hemisphere);
System.out.println("positions " + positions[0]);
System.out.println("positions " + positions[1]);
return positions;
* @param closestPoint
* @param points
* @param distance
* @return
private static double[] makingCircleIntersectionNew(double[][] closestPoint, double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue = closestPoint[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = closestPoint[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
double[] tunedDistance = new double[3];
//Checking circleOne and circleTwo intersecting points. If no, then make it intersect by increasing radius size.
// checking circle intersection between One and Two.
boolean circleOneAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
// checking circle intersection between One and Three.
boolean circleOneAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
// checking circle intersection between Three and Two.
boolean circleThreeAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
System.out.println("intersection between circles " + circleOneAndTwoIntersect + circleOneAndThreeIntersect + circleThreeAndTwoIntersect);
if (circleOneAndTwoIntersect == true && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == true && circleThreeAndTwoIntersect == true) {
tunedDistance = distance;
} else {
tunedDistance = makeAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, distance);
return tunedDistance;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static double[] makingCircleIntersection(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double[] tunedDistance = new double[3];
tunedDistance = makeAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, distance);
return tunedDistance;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static double[] makeAllThreeCirclesIntersect(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double[] tunedDistance = new double[3];
double circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[2][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[2][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
boolean allThreeCirclesIntersected = false;
int maxEvaluation = 100;
while (allThreeCirclesIntersected == false && maxEvaluation > 0) {
// checking circle intersection between One and Two.
boolean circleOneAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
// checking circle intersection between One and Three.
boolean circleOneAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
// checking circle intersection between Three and Two.
boolean circleThreeAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleOneAndTwoIntersect == true && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == true && circleThreeAndTwoIntersect == true) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
}else if(circleOneAndTwoIntersect == true && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == false && circleThreeAndTwoIntersect == true){
circleThreeDistance = circleThreeDistance + 0.3;
}else if(circleOneAndTwoIntersect == false && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == true && circleThreeAndTwoIntersect == true){
circleTwoDistance = circleTwoDistance + 0.3;
else {
circleTwoDistance = circleTwoDistance + 0.3;
circleThreeDistance = circleThreeDistance + 0.3;
if (maxEvaluation != 0) {
tunedDistance[0] = circleOneDistance;
tunedDistance[1] = circleTwoDistance;
tunedDistance[2] = circleThreeDistance;
} else {
tunedDistance[0] = 0.0;
tunedDistance[1] = 0.0;
tunedDistance[2] = 0.0;
System.out.println("during tuning radius one " + tunedDistance[0]);
System.out.println("during tuning radius two " + tunedDistance[1]);
System.out.println("during tuning radius three " + tunedDistance[2]);
return tunedDistance;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static boolean checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[2][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[2][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
System.out.println("x values " + circleOneXvalue + " " + circleTwoXvalue + " " + circleThreeXvalue);
System.out.println("y values " + circleOneYvalue + " " + circleTwoYvalue + " " + circleThreeYvalue);
System.out.println("Distances " + circleOneDistance + " " + circleTwoDistance + " " + circleThreeDistance);
boolean allThreeCirclesIntersected = false;
boolean circleOneAndTwoIntersect = false;
boolean circleOneAndThreeIntersect = false;
boolean circleTwoAndThreeIntersect = false;
// checking circle intersection between One and Two.
double distanceBetweenOneAndTwo = gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleOneDistance > circleTwoDistance) {
System.out.println("testing circle one and two " + isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndTwo, circleTwoDistance, circleOneDistance));
if (isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndTwo, circleTwoDistance, circleOneDistance) == false) {
circleOneAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
} else {
System.out.println("testing circle one and two " + circleOneDistance + circleTwoDistance);
if (isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndTwo, circleOneDistance, circleTwoDistance) == false) {
circleOneAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
double distanceBetweenOneAndThree = gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
if (circleOneDistance > circleThreeDistance) {
if (isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndThree, circleThreeDistance, circleOneDistance) == false) {
circleOneAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
} else {
System.out.println("ya three is bigger " + isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndThree, circleOneDistance, circleThreeDistance)
+ "distance " + circleOneDistance + circleThreeDistance);
if (isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndThree, circleOneDistance, circleThreeDistance) == false) {
circleOneAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
// checking circle intersection between Three and Two.
double distanceBetweenTwoAndThree = gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
if (circleTwoDistance > circleThreeDistance) {
System.out.println("testing inside three and two " + isInside(distanceBetweenTwoAndThree, circleThreeDistance, circleTwoDistance));
if (isInside(distanceBetweenTwoAndThree, circleThreeDistance, circleTwoDistance) == false) {
circleTwoAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
System.out.println(" checking two and three intersection " + circleTwoAndThreeIntersect);
} else {
System.out.println("testing is inside two and three " + isInside(distanceBetweenOneAndThree, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeDistance));
if (isInside(distanceBetweenTwoAndThree, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeDistance) == false) {
circleTwoAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
System.out.println(" checking two and three intersection second condition " + circleTwoAndThreeIntersect);
System.out.println(" checking all circle intersection " + circleOneAndTwoIntersect + circleOneAndThreeIntersect + circleTwoAndThreeIntersect);
if (circleOneAndTwoIntersect == true && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == true && circleTwoAndThreeIntersect == true) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
return allThreeCirclesIntersected;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static boolean checkForCircleOverlap(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[2][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[2][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
boolean circleOverlapped = false;
// checking circle intersection between One and Two.
boolean circleOneAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
// checking circle intersection between One and Three.
boolean circleOneAndThreeIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance);
// checking circle intersection between Three and Two.
boolean circleThreeAndTwoIntersect = checkingCircleIntersection(circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleOneAndTwoIntersect == false && circleOneAndThreeIntersect == false && circleThreeAndTwoIntersect == false) {
circleOverlapped = false;
} else {
circleOverlapped = true;
return circleOverlapped;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static boolean checkForCircleEnvelope(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[2][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[2][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
boolean circleEnvelopped = false;
boolean circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = false;
boolean circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped = false;
boolean circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped = false;
if (circleTwoDistance > circleOneDistance) {
circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance), circleOneDistance, circleTwoDistance);
} else {
if (isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance), circleTwoDistance, circleOneDistance))
circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = true;
else circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = false;
if (circleThreeDistance > circleTwoDistance) {
circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleTwoDistance, circleThreeDistance);
} else {
circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleThreeDistance, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleOneDistance > circleThreeDistance) {
circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleThreeDistance, circleOneDistance);
} else {
circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance,
circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance), circleOneDistance, circleThreeDistance);
if (circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped || circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped == true || circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped == true) {
circleEnvelopped = true;
System.out.println("checking circle envelope " + circleEnvelopped);
return circleEnvelopped;
* @param points
* @param distance
private static double[][] makeCircleIntersectionInEnvelope(double[][] points, double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
double circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
double circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
double circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
double circleThreeXvalue = points[2][0];
double circleThreeYvalue = points[2][1];
double circleOneDistance = distance[0];
double circleTwoDistance = distance[1];
double circleThreeDistance = distance[2];
List<Integer> listOfEnvelopedCircle = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int envelopeCircle = 0;
envelopeCircle = getEnvelopeCircle(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleOneDistance, circleTwoDistance, circleThreeDistance, listOfEnvelopedCircle, envelopeCircle);
System.out.println("enveloped circle " + envelopeCircle);
System.out.println("enveloped circle size " + listOfEnvelopedCircle.size());
double[][] tunedPointsAndDistance = new double[3][3];
if (listOfEnvelopedCircle.size() >= 2) {
tunedPointsAndDistance = tuningEnvelopedCircleAndNormalCircles( points, distance, listOfEnvelopedCircle);
} else {
tunedPointsAndDistance = tuningEnvelopedCircleAndNormalCircles(envelopeCircle, points, distance);
return tunedPointsAndDistance;
* @param circleOneXvalue
* @param circleOneYvalue
* @param circleTwoXvalue
* @param circleTwoYvalue
* @param circleThreeXvalue
* @param circleThreeYvalue
* @param circleOneDistance
* @param circleTwoDistance
* @param circleThreeDistance
* @param listOfEnvelopedCircle
* @param envelopeCircle
* @return
private static int getEnvelopeCircle(double circleOneXvalue, double circleOneYvalue, double circleTwoXvalue, double circleTwoYvalue, double circleThreeXvalue, double circleThreeYvalue, double circleOneDistance, double circleTwoDistance, double circleThreeDistance, List<Integer> listOfEnvelopedCircle, int envelopeCircle) {
boolean circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped;
boolean circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped;
boolean circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped;
if (circleTwoDistance > circleOneDistance) {
circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance), circleOneDistance, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 2;
} else {
circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance), circleTwoDistance, circleOneDistance);
if (circleOneAndTwoEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 1;
if (circleThreeDistance > circleTwoDistance) {
circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleTwoDistance, circleThreeDistance);
if (circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 3;
} else {
circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleThreeDistance, circleTwoDistance);
if (circleTwoAndThreeEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 2;
boolean duplicate = checkingDuplicateValues(listOfEnvelopedCircle, envelopeCircle);
if (duplicate == true) {
} else {
if (circleOneDistance > circleThreeDistance) {
circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance,
circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance), circleThreeDistance, circleOneDistance);
if (circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 1;
boolean duplicate = checkingDuplicateValues(listOfEnvelopedCircle, envelopeCircle);
if (duplicate == true) {
} else {
} else {
circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped = isInside(gettingDistanceBetweenTwoCircles(circleThreeXvalue, circleThreeYvalue, circleThreeDistance,
circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneDistance), circleOneDistance, circleThreeDistance);
if (circleOneAndThreeEnvelopped == true) {
envelopeCircle = 3;
boolean duplicate = checkingDuplicateValues(listOfEnvelopedCircle, envelopeCircle);
if (duplicate == true) {
} else {
return envelopeCircle;
* @param listOfEnvelopedCircle
* @param circleToCheck
* @return
private static boolean checkingDuplicateValues(List<Integer> listOfEnvelopedCircle, int circleToCheck) {
boolean duplicate = false;
for (int envelopedCircle : listOfEnvelopedCircle) {
if (envelopedCircle == circleToCheck) {
duplicate = true;
return duplicate;
* @param points
* @param distance
* @param listOfEnvelopedCircle
* @return
private static double[][] tuningEnvelopedCircleAndNormalCircles( double[][] points,
double[] distance, List<Integer> listOfEnvelopedCircle) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue;
double circleOneYvalue;
double circleOneRadius;
double envelopeCircleOneXvalue;
double envelopeCircleOneYvalue;
double envelopeCircleOneRadius;
double envelopeCircleTwoXvalue;
double envelopeCircleTwoYvalue;
double envelopeCircleTwoRadius;
double[][] newPointsAndDistance = new double[5][5];
ConcurrentHashMap<String, Double> circleWithRssi = new ConcurrentHashMap<String, Double>();
circleWithRssi.put("circleOne", distance[0]);
circleWithRssi.put("circleTwo", distance[1]);
circleWithRssi.put("circleThree", distance[2]);
int smallestCircle = 0;
if (listOfEnvelopedCircle.size() >= 2) {
Double min = Collections.min(circleWithRssi.values());
System.out.println("minimum distance " + min);
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
if (distance[i] == min) {
smallestCircle = i;
System.out.println("smallest circle is " + smallestCircle);
if (smallestCircle == 0) {
circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[0];
envelopeCircleOneXvalue = points[1][0];
envelopeCircleOneYvalue = points[1][1];
envelopeCircleOneRadius = distance[1];
envelopeCircleTwoXvalue = points[2][0];
envelopeCircleTwoYvalue = points[2][1];
envelopeCircleTwoRadius = distance[2];
} else if (smallestCircle == 1) {
circleOneXvalue = points[1][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[1][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[1];
envelopeCircleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
envelopeCircleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
envelopeCircleOneRadius = distance[0];
envelopeCircleTwoXvalue = points[2][0];
envelopeCircleTwoYvalue = points[2][1];
envelopeCircleTwoRadius = distance[2];
} else {
circleOneXvalue = points[2][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[2][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[2];
envelopeCircleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
envelopeCircleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
envelopeCircleOneRadius = distance[0];
envelopeCircleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
envelopeCircleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
envelopeCircleTwoRadius = distance[1];
// checking one and two circle intersection..
boolean twoCirclesIntersected = checkingCircleIntersection(envelopeCircleOneXvalue, envelopeCircleOneYvalue, envelopeCircleOneRadius
, envelopeCircleTwoXvalue, envelopeCircleTwoYvalue, envelopeCircleTwoRadius);
System.out.println("two circles intersected in envelope " + twoCirclesIntersected);
double[] pointsDistances = new double[4];
double[][] newPoints = new double[4][4];
boolean allThreeCirclesIntersected = false;
int maximumEvaluation = 100;
if (twoCirclesIntersected == true) {
while (!allThreeCirclesIntersected && maximumEvaluation > 0) {
newPoints[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPoints[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPoints[1][0] = envelopeCircleOneXvalue;
newPoints[1][1] = envelopeCircleOneYvalue;
newPoints[2][0] = envelopeCircleTwoXvalue;
newPoints[2][1] = envelopeCircleTwoYvalue;
pointsDistances[0] = circleOneRadius;
pointsDistances[1] = envelopeCircleOneRadius;
pointsDistances[2] = envelopeCircleTwoRadius;
allThreeCirclesIntersected = checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(newPoints, pointsDistances);
System.out.println("checking all three circles intersected " + allThreeCirclesIntersected);
if (allThreeCirclesIntersected == false) {
envelopeCircleOneRadius = envelopeCircleOneRadius - 0.2;
envelopeCircleTwoRadius = envelopeCircleTwoRadius - 0.2;
System.out.println("last two enveloped circle radius " + envelopeCircleOneRadius + " " + envelopeCircleTwoRadius);
if (maximumEvaluation != 0) {
newPointsAndDistance[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][2] = circleOneRadius;
newPointsAndDistance[1][0] = envelopeCircleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][1] = envelopeCircleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][2] = envelopeCircleOneRadius;
newPointsAndDistance[2][0] = envelopeCircleTwoXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][1] = envelopeCircleTwoYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][2] = envelopeCircleTwoRadius;
} else {
newPointsAndDistance[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][2] = 0.0;
newPointsAndDistance[1][0] = envelopeCircleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][1] = envelopeCircleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][2] = 0.0;
newPointsAndDistance[2][0] = envelopeCircleTwoXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][1] = envelopeCircleTwoYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][2] = 0.0;
return newPointsAndDistance;
* @param envelopeCircle
* @param points
* @param distance
* @return
private static double[][] tuningEnvelopedCircleAndNormalCircles(int envelopeCircle, double[][] points,
double[] distance) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
double circleOneXvalue;
double circleOneYvalue;
double circleOneRadius;
double circleTwoXvalue;
double circleTwoYvalue;
double circleTwoRadius;
double envelopeCircleXvalue;
double envelopeCircleYvalue;
double envelopeCircleRadius;
double[][] newPointsAndDistance = new double[5][5];
if (envelopeCircle == 1) {
circleOneXvalue = points[1][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[1][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[1];
circleTwoXvalue = points[2][0];
circleTwoYvalue = points[2][1];
circleTwoRadius = distance[2];
envelopeCircleXvalue = points[0][0];
envelopeCircleYvalue = points[0][1];
envelopeCircleRadius = distance[0];
} else if (envelopeCircle == 2) {
circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[0];
circleTwoXvalue = points[2][0];
circleTwoYvalue = points[2][1];
circleTwoRadius = distance[2];
envelopeCircleXvalue = points[1][0];
envelopeCircleYvalue = points[1][1];
envelopeCircleRadius = distance[1];
} else {
circleOneXvalue = points[0][0];
circleOneYvalue = points[0][1];
circleOneRadius = distance[0];
circleTwoXvalue = points[1][0];
circleTwoYvalue = points[1][1];
circleTwoRadius = distance[1];
envelopeCircleXvalue = points[2][0];
envelopeCircleYvalue = points[2][1];
envelopeCircleRadius = distance[2];
// checking one and two circle intersection..
//TODO check whether enveloped circle intersected with other circle.
boolean twoCirclesIntersected = checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneRadius
, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoRadius);
System.out.println("two circles intersected in envelope " + twoCirclesIntersected);
int maxEvaluationThirdCircleIntersection = 20;
if (twoCirclesIntersected == true) {
envelopeCircleRadius = makingThirdCircleIntersectInEnvelope(points, circleOneRadius, circleTwoRadius,
} else {
// need to find the strongest signal, then intersect normal two circles first. finally reduce the
//size of enveloped circle.
boolean allThreeCirclesIntersected = false;
double[][] newPoints = new double[4][4];
double[] intersectedDistance = new double[4];
newPoints[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPoints[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPoints[1][0] = circleTwoXvalue;
newPoints[1][1] = circleTwoYvalue;
newPoints[2][0] = envelopeCircleXvalue;
newPoints[2][1] = envelopeCircleYvalue;
boolean twoNormalCirclesIntersected = false;
int maxEvaluation = 20;
while (twoNormalCirclesIntersected == false && maxEvaluation > 0) {
if (checkingCircleIntersection(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneRadius
, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue, circleTwoRadius) == false) {
circleOneRadius = circleOneRadius + 0.2;
circleTwoRadius = circleTwoRadius + 0.2;
} else {
System.out.println("two circles intersected at " + circleOneRadius + circleTwoRadius);
twoNormalCirclesIntersected = true;
while (allThreeCirclesIntersected == false && maxEvaluationThirdCircleIntersection > 0) {
intersectedDistance[0] = circleOneRadius;
intersectedDistance[1] = circleTwoRadius;
intersectedDistance[2] = envelopeCircleRadius;
System.out.println(" checking intersection after subtraction " + checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, intersectedDistance));
if (checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, intersectedDistance) == true) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
} else {
System.out.println("subtracting the envelope circle " + envelopeCircleRadius);
envelopeCircleRadius = envelopeCircleRadius - 0.2;
if (envelopeCircleRadius <= 2.0) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
if (maxEvaluationThirdCircleIntersection != 0) {
assingingValues(circleOneXvalue, circleOneYvalue, circleOneRadius, circleTwoXvalue, circleTwoYvalue,
circleTwoRadius, envelopeCircleXvalue, envelopeCircleYvalue, envelopeCircleRadius, newPointsAndDistance);
} else {
newPointsAndDistance[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][2] = 0.0;
newPointsAndDistance[1][0] = circleTwoXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][1] = circleTwoYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][2] = 0.0;
newPointsAndDistance[2][0] = envelopeCircleXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][1] = envelopeCircleYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][2] = 0.0;
return newPointsAndDistance;
* @param points
* @param circleOneRadius
* @param circleTwoRadius
* @param envelopeCircleRadius
* @return
private static double makingThirdCircleIntersectInEnvelope(double[][] points, double circleOneRadius,
double circleTwoRadius, double envelopeCircleRadius) {
boolean allThreeCirclesIntersected = false;
int maxEvaluation = 30;
int indexToTake = 0;
if(circleOneRadius > circleTwoRadius){
indexToTake =1;
indexToTake =0;
while (allThreeCirclesIntersected == false && maxEvaluation > 0) {
double[] intersectedDistance = new double[4];
intersectedDistance[0] = circleOneRadius;
intersectedDistance[1] = circleTwoRadius;
intersectedDistance[2] = envelopeCircleRadius;
System.out.println("checking all three circles intersect " + checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, intersectedDistance));
if (checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, intersectedDistance) == true) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
} else {
System.out.println("subtracting the envelope circle " + envelopeCircleRadius);
intersectedDistance[indexToTake] = intersectedDistance[indexToTake] - 0.2;
// envelopeCircleRadius = envelopeCircleRadius - 0.2;
if (intersectedDistance[indexToTake] <= 2.0) {
allThreeCirclesIntersected = true;
return envelopeCircleRadius;
* @param circleOneXvalue
* @param circleOneYvalue
* @param circleOneRadius
* @param circleTwoXvalue
* @param circleTwoYvalue
* @param circleTwoRadius
* @param envelopeCircleXvalue
* @param envelopeCircleYvalue
* @param envelopeCircleRadius
* @param newPointsAndDistance
private static void assingingValues(double circleOneXvalue, double circleOneYvalue, double circleOneRadius,
double circleTwoXvalue, double circleTwoYvalue, double circleTwoRadius, double envelopeCircleXvalue,
double envelopeCircleYvalue, double envelopeCircleRadius, double[][] newPointsAndDistance) {
newPointsAndDistance[0][0] = circleOneXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][1] = circleOneYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[0][2] = circleOneRadius;
newPointsAndDistance[1][0] = circleTwoXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][1] = circleTwoYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[1][2] = circleTwoRadius;
newPointsAndDistance[2][0] = envelopeCircleXvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][1] = envelopeCircleYvalue;
newPointsAndDistance[2][2] = envelopeCircleRadius;
* @param
public static boolean isInside(double distanceBetweenTwoCircles, double radiusOne, double radiusTwo) {
return distanceBetweenTwoCircles + radiusOne <= radiusTwo;
* @param points
* @param distance
* @param latitudes
* @param longitudes
public static double[] evaluateTrilateration(double[][] points, double[] distance, double[] latitudes, double[] longitudes) {
double xa = points[0][0]; //lat
double ya = points[0][1]; //lng
double xb = points[1][0]; //lat
double yb = points[1][1]; //lng
double xc = points[2][0]; //lat
double yc = points[2][1]; //lng
double ra = distance[0]; //distance
double rb = distance[1]; //distance
double rc = distance[2]; //distance
double S = (Math.pow(xc, 2.) - Math.pow(xb, 2.) + Math.pow(yc, 2.) - Math.pow(yb, 2.) + Math.pow(rb, 2.) - Math.pow(rc, 2.)) / 2.0;
double T = (Math.pow(xa, 2.) - Math.pow(xb, 2.) + Math.pow(ya, 2.) - Math.pow(yb, 2.) + Math.pow(rb, 2.) - Math.pow(ra, 2.)) / 2.0;
double y = ((T * (xb - xc)) - (S * (xb - xa))) / (((ya - yb) * (xb - xc)) - ((yc - yb) * (xb - xa)));
double x = ((y * (ya - yb)) - T) / (xb - xa);
double point[] = new double[2];
point[0] = x;
point[1] = y;
CoordinateConverter.Hemisphere hemisphere = CoordinateConverter.getHemisphere(latitudes[0]);
int longZone = CoordinateConverter.getLongZone(longitudes[1]);
double positions[] = CoordinateConverter.utm2GPS(point, longZone, hemisphere);
System.out.println("positions " + positions[0]);
System.out.println("positions " + positions[1]);
return positions;
* @param oldLat
* @param oldLng
* @param newLat
* @param newLng
* @return
protected static double findingBearingAngle(double oldLat, double oldLng, double newLat, double newLng){
double longDiff= newLng-oldLng;
System.out.println("lng difference " + longDiff);
double y =Math.cos(Math.toRadians(newLat)) * Math.sin(Math.toRadians(longDiff));
double x = Math.cos(Math.toRadians(oldLat))*Math.sin(Math.toRadians(newLat))-Math.sin(Math.toRadians(oldLat))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(newLat))*Math.cos(Math.toRadians(longDiff));
System.out.println("y value " + y + " x value " + x);
return (Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(y, x)) + 360 ) % 360;
* @param args
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Double> latAndLongValue = new ArrayList<Double>();
double AP1LatValue = 51.14980372;
double AP2LatValue = 51.14978676;
double AP3LatValue = 51.14976488;
double AP1LngValue = 14.9963615;
double AP2LngValue = 14.99640299;
double AP3LngValue = 14.9963004;
double AP1RssiValue = -61;
double AP2RssiValue = -62;
double AP3RssiValue = -67;
System.out.println("bearing angle " + findingBearingAngle(AP1LatValue, AP1LngValue, AP2LatValue, AP2LngValue));
double[] distance = new double[3];
double[] intersectedDistance = new double[3];
double[] latitudes = new double[3];
latitudes[0] = AP1LatValue;
latitudes[1] = AP2LatValue;
latitudes[2] = AP3LatValue;
double[] longitudes = new double[3];
longitudes[0] = AP1LngValue;
longitudes[1] = AP2LngValue;
longitudes[2] = AP3LngValue;
double[] positions;
double[][] points = new double[3][3];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
points[i] = CoordinateConverter.gps2UTM(latitudes[i], longitudes[i]);
distance[0] = getRadiusFromRSSISimple(AP1RssiValue);
distance[1] = getRadiusFromRSSISimple(AP2RssiValue);
distance[2] = getRadiusFromRSSISimple(AP3RssiValue);
// here we check whether three circles touch each other.
boolean circleOverlapped = checkForCircleOverlap(points, distance);
System.out.println("checking overlapped circle " + circleOverlapped);
System.out.println("checking enveloped circle " + checkForCircleEnvelope(points, distance));
if (circleOverlapped == false || (checkForCircleEnvelope(points, distance) == false)) {
// making circle intersection.
intersectedDistance = makeAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, distance);
positions = evaluateTrilateration(points, intersectedDistance, latitudes, longitudes);
// }
} else {
double[][] newPoints = new double[4][4];
double[][] pointsForCalculation = new double[4][4];
double[] newDistances = new double[4];
newPoints = makeCircleIntersectionInEnvelope(points, distance);
pointsForCalculation[0][0] = newPoints[0][0];
pointsForCalculation[0][1] = newPoints[0][1];
newDistances[0] = newPoints[0][2];
pointsForCalculation[1][0] = newPoints[1][0];
pointsForCalculation[1][1] = newPoints[1][1];
newDistances[1] = newPoints[1][2];
pointsForCalculation[2][0] = newPoints[2][0];
pointsForCalculation[2][1] = newPoints[2][1];
newDistances[2] = newPoints[2][2];
positions = evaluateTrilateration(pointsForCalculation, newDistances, latitudes, longitudes);
// }
intersectedDistance = makingCircleIntersection(points, distance);
System.out.println("circle one radius " + intersectedDistance[0] + "circle two radius " + intersectedDistance[1] + "circle three radius " + intersectedDistance[2]);
System.out.println("checking all three circle intersected after tuned " + checkAllThreeCirclesIntersect(points, intersectedDistance));
// checking overlapped circle.
double latValue = positions[0];
double longValue = positions[1];
System.out.println("lat and lng value " + latValue + " " + longValue);
double locationDifference = DistanceFilterAlgorithm.distance(AP1LatValue,
AP1LngValue, latValue, longValue, "K");
if ((locationDifference * 1000) > 40) {
System.out.println("error is high");
} else {
System.out.println("lat and long " + latAndLongValue.get(0) + " , " + latAndLongValue.get(1));
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vidhyasgr commented May 19, 2017

This is developed for triangle access points placement. If the access points or wifi are not placed in triangle, then it will not work. I am still updating some improvements, but it will work for 90 percent of cases.

Any improvements are welcome.

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