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import org.apache.spark.sql.{DataFrame, SQLContext}
import org.apache.spark.sql.hive.HiveContext
val sqlCtx: SQLContext = new HiveContext(sc)
sqlCtx.sql("select 1")

and remember this is much better than git pull master on a feature branch:

# use git pull on in master branch! so it will never create nasty merge commits
git checkout master
git pull origin master

# development
git checkout -b your_feature_branch

# rebase your changes over changed master:
import org.apache.spark.sql.DataFrame
implicit class DataFrameWithPivot(df: DataFrame) {
* Transposes metrics in multiple columns into multiple rows, with one metric per row
* (a.k.a unPivot)
* Given:
* |------|----------|--------|
* | dim1 | new_users| buyers |
implicit class DataFrameExtended(df: DataFrame) {
import df.sqlContext.implicits._
def anyNull(cols: Seq[Column]): Column = (_ || _)
* LEFT JOIN should not join anything when join-key contains a NULL (but usually this
* would result in shuffling NULL keyed items into single or few reducers).
* This can be easily fixed by adding an additional temporary join condition that:
* - is a random seed when any of the keys is null, thus addressing the NULL skew
trait T {
val v = 3
// if v is overriden, and this is val, this yields not what you'd expect
// lazy val or def would work ok.
val version = v
class C extends T {
override val v = 2

spark notes

sc. [tab] - show available methods


  • dependency issues? parquet avro, ... specificRecord not present...