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Last active July 31, 2020 09:16
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private Single<List<String>> inTransaction(Exception e) throws Exception {
return client.rxGetConnection().flatMap(conn -> {
return rxInsertExtraFolks(conn)
.<List<String>>collect(ArrayList::new, List::add)
.compose(upstream -> e == null ? upstream : upstream.flatMap(names -> Single.error(e)))
.flatMap(names -> rxAssertAutoCommit(conn).andThen(Single.just(names)))
private Single<List<String>> withTransaction(Exception e) {
return client.rxWithTransaction((Function<SqlClient, Single<List<String>>>) sqlClient ->
.flatMapPublisher(res -> uniqueNames(sqlClient))
.<List<String>>collect(ArrayList::new, List::add)
.compose(upstream -> e == null ? upstream : upstream.flatMap(names -> Single.error(e))));
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