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Coding the Future

Julien Viet vietj

Coding the Future
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vietj / index.html
Last active November 7, 2022 14:26
TFB 2022-11-01 Fortunes
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vietj / index.html
Last active November 7, 2022 14:27
TFB 2022-11-01 Db
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Perflab results</title>
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vietj / index.html
Last active November 7, 2022 14:27
TFB 2022-11-01 Plaintext
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<title>Perflab results</title>
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Last login: Wed Oct 27 10:22:48 on ttys006
c% julien@Juliens-MacBook-Pro ~ % cd java
julien@Juliens-MacBook-Pro java % cd vertx-cassandra-client
julien@Juliens-MacBook-Pro vertx-cassandra-client % mvn test
[INFO] Scanning for projects...
[INFO] ------------------< io.vertx:vertx-cassandra-client >-------------------
[INFO] Building vertx-cassandra-client 4.2.0-SNAPSHOT
[INFO] --------------------------------[ jar ]---------------------------------
at io.smallrye.mutiny.groups.UniOnFailure.lambda$call$3(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.operators.UniOnFailureTransform$1.onFailure(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.context.ContextPropagationUniInterceptor$1.lambda$onFailure$2(
at io.smallrye.context.impl.wrappers.SlowContextualExecutor.execute(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.context.ContextPropagationUniInterceptor$1.onFailure(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.operators.UniSerializedSubscriber.onFailure(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.context.ContextPropagationUniInterceptor$1.lambda$onFailure$2(
at io.smallrye.context.impl.wrappers.SlowContextualExecutor.execute(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.context.ContextPropagationUniInterceptor$1.onFailure(
at io.smallrye.mutiny.context.ContextPropagationUniI
[INFO] --- maven-surefire-plugin:3.0.0-M5:test (default-test) @ quarkus-integration-test-hibernate-reactive-postgresql ---
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] -------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Running
2021-02-08 11:47:26,033 WARN [io.qua.dep.QuarkusAugmentor] (main) Using Java versions older than 11 to build Quarkus applications is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release!
2021-02-08 11:47:29,020 INFO [] (main) HRX000001: Hibernate Reactive Preview
drop table if exists Cow cascade
client.request(HttpMethod.GET, server.actualPort(), "localhost", "/")
.onComplete(testContext.succeeding(req -> {
req.onComplete(testContext.succeeding(httpClientResponse -> {
testContext.verify(() -> {
try {
public class FrancescoTest {
private static final HttpClient client = null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
MessageFactory factory = new MessageFactory(builder -> {
builder.writeBinary(new CloudEvent() {
private Single<List<String>> inTransaction(Exception e) throws Exception {
return client.rxGetConnection().flatMap(conn -> {
return rxInsertExtraFolks(conn)
.<List<String>>collect(ArrayList::new, List::add)
.compose(upstream -> e == null ? upstream : upstream.flatMap(names -> Single.error(e)))
.flatMap(names -> rxAssertAutoCommit(conn).andThen(Single.just(names)))

Reactive PostgreSQL Client

The Reactive PostgreSQL Client is a client for PostgreSQL with a straightforward API focusing on scalability and low overhead.

The client is reactive and non blocking, allowing to handle many database connections with a single thread.

  • Event driven

  • Lightweight