This document summarizes notes taken while to make the VMWare Tech preview work on Apple M1 Pro, it originated from discussions in hashicorp/vagrant-vmware-desktop#22
First install Rosetta if not already done, this is needed to run x86 code:
/usr/sbin/softwareupdate --install-rosetta --agree-to-license
Install Vagrant via brew:
brew install vagrant
You will need to create an account on vmware as it needs user and key information that are user specific. The registration process is kinda convoluted. Be careful about passwords as the password needs to be less than 20 characters and there are no error messages for this.
You can download the tech preview via the download page.
Once this is installed you will NEED to create a symlink as the vagrant vmware utility etc.. assumes that vmware is installed in a specific directory and the tech preview is installed in a different one.
ln -s /Applications/VMWare\ Fusion\ Tech\ /Applications/VMWare\
It requires two steps. This is detailed in the documentation but follow the steps below:
First go to Vagrant vmware Utility and download the binary and install it. It says x86_64 but it is fine.
The direct link is:
It needs to be version 1.0.21
Next install the provider:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-vmware-desktop
Create a file Vagrantfile
Vagrant.configure("2") do |config| = "spox/ubuntu-arm"
config.vm.box_version = "1.0.0"
vagrant up
and then
vagrant ssh
Hopefully this should work and you should find yourself with mostly everything working.