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Created December 20, 2022 07:24
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Attack Vigenère cipher
CIPHER = '''
CIPHER = ''.join(CIPHER.split())
frequency = {
'A': 0.08167,
'B': 0.01492,
'C': 0.02782,
'D': 0.04253,
'E': 0.12702,
'F': 0.02228,
'G': 0.02015,
'H': 0.06094,
'I': 0.06966,
'J': 0.00153,
'K': 0.00772,
'L': 0.04025,
'M': 0.02406,
'N': 0.06749,
'O': 0.07507,
'P': 0.01929,
'Q': 0.00095,
'R': 0.05987,
'S': 0.06327,
'T': 0.09056,
'U': 0.02758,
'V': 0.00978,
'W': 0.02360,
'X': 0.00150,
'Y': 0.01974,
'Z': 0.00074
RECTA = [[chr((i + j) % 26 + 65) for i in range(0, 26)] for j in range(0, 26)]
def calPi(cipher):
d = {}
for i in range(0, 26):
d[chr(i+65)] = 0
for c in cipher:
d[c] += 1
l = len(cipher)
s = sum([d[c]*(d[c] - 1) for c in d])
return s/(l*(l-1))
def guess_key(cipher, ic_storage, key_limit):
for t in range(1, key_limit):
cipher_list = []
for i in range(0, t):
pi_values = [calPi(s) for s in cipher_list]
average = sum(pi_values)/len(pi_values)
print(t, "Average:", average, "Diff:", abs(average - 0.065))
ic_storage.append([t, abs(average - 0.065)])
ic_storage = sorted(ic_storage, key=lambda x: x[1])
return ic_storage
def decrypt(cipher, key):
plain = ''
for i in range(0, len(cipher)):
column = RECTA[ord(key[i % len(key)]) - 65]
row_id = column.index(cipher[i])
plain += chr(row_id + 65)
return plain
if __name__ == '__main__':
ic_storage = []
ic_storage = guess_key(CIPHER, ic_storage, 10)
key = ''
for ic in ic_storage:
t = ic[0]
cipher_list = []
key = ''
for i in range(0, t):
print("Possible key: ", end='')
for s in cipher_list:
d = {}
for i in range(0, 26):
d[chr(i+65)] = 0
for c in s:
d[c] += 1
probability = []
l = len(s)
for k in range(0, 26):
p = sum([d[chr((i+k) % 26+65)]/l*(frequency[chr(i+65)])
for i in range(0, 26)])
probability.append([p, k])
probability = sorted(probability, key=lambda x: x[0], reverse=True)
key += chr(probability[0][1]+65)
print(chr(probability[0][1]+65), end='')
plain_text = decrypt(CIPHER, key)
print("Possible plain text:")
flag = input("Do you want to continue? (y/[n]): ")
if flag != 'n':
print("Key:", key)
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