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Created May 9, 2021 19:38
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imgproxy url signing in clojure
(ns doggallery.images-test
(:require [clojure.test :refer :all]
[buddy.core.codecs :as codecs])
(:require [example.images :refer :all]))
(deftest imgproxy-url-generation
; this test replicates the java upstream
(testing "generate signed url for imgproxy"
(let [imgproxy-key (codecs/hex->bytes "943b421c9eb07c830af81030552c86009268de4e532ba2ee2eab8247c6da0881")
salt (codecs/hex->bytes "520f986b998545b4785e0defbc4f3c1203f22de2374a3d53cb7a7fe9fea309c5")
url ""
resize "fill"
width 300
height 300
gravity "no"
enlarge 1
extension "png"
url-with-hash (signed-imgproxy-url imgproxy-key salt url resize width height gravity enlarge extension)]
(is (= "/_PQ4ytCQMMp-1w1m_vP6g8Qb-Q7yF9mwghf6PddqxLw/fill/300/300/no/1/aHR0cDovL2ltZy5leGFtcGxlLmNvbS9wcmV0dHkvaW1hZ2UuanBn.png" url-with-hash)))))
(ns example.images
(:import java.util.Base64
(defn signed-imgproxy-url
"Generate signed URL for imgproxy"
; adapted from
; this isn't very idiomatic clojure but once tests pass it can be fixed
[imgproxy-key salt url resize width height gravity enlarge extension]
(let [hmacsha256 "HmacSHA256"
encodedUrl (-> (Base64/getUrlEncoder) .withoutPadding (.encodeToString (.getBytes url)))
path (str "/" resize "/" width "/" height "/" gravity "/" enlarge "/" encodedUrl "." extension)
secret-key-spec (SecretKeySpec. imgproxy-key hmacsha256)
sha256hmac (Mac/getInstance hmacsha256)
hash (-> (Base64/getUrlEncoder) .withoutPadding (.encodeToString
(doto sha256hmac
(.init secret-key-spec)
(.update salt))
(.getBytes path))))]
(str "/" hash path)))
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