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Created December 23, 2023 17:20
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Obsidian .vimrc Base Template
" Use in to remap Vim keybindings. More info:
" Available CodeMirror operators/motions:
" Available internal Obsidian commands, go to developer console, click in the editor, type :obcommand and check log output
" Have j and k navigate visual lines rather than logical ones
nmap j gj
nmap k gk
" Big J/K jumps multiple lines (compared to their smaller siblings j/k)
" To be able to remap keys, they need to be unmapped first
nunmap J
nmap J 15j
nunmap K
nmap K 15k
" Join Lines with space+j (Space is my leader key)
" unmap space for leader key usage first
" commands like :join can be found on above given link
unmap <Space>
map <Space>j :join
" Escape insert mode more easily (quickly press jj )
imap jj <Esc>
" H and L for beginning/end of line (big variants of h & l)
nmap H ^
nmap L $
" Quickly remove search highlights
nmap <F9> :nohl
" Yank to system clipboard
set clipboard=unnamed
" go to last change -
nmap g, u<C-r>
" [g]oto [f]ile (= Follow Link under cursor)
exmap followLinkUnderCursor obcommand editor:follow-link
nmap gf :followLinkUnderCursor
" Emulate Folding
exmap togglefold obcommand editor:toggle-fold
nmap zo :togglefold
exmap unfoldall obcommand editor:unfold-all
nmap zR :unfoldall
exmap foldreduce obcommand editor:fold-less
nmap zr :foldreduce
exmap foldall obcommand editor:fold-all
nmap zM :foldall
exmap foldmore obcommand editor:fold-more
nmap zm :foldmore
"--- PLUGINS ---"
" Surround plugin keymaps (other plugins don't work)
" usage: either mark word in visual mode or go over word in normal mode
" these lines create new commands which are then used in the bottom
exmap surround_wiki surround [[ ]]
exmap surround_double_quotes surround " "
exmap surround_single_quotes surround ' '
exmap surround_backticks surround ` `
exmap surround_brackets surround ( )
exmap surround_square_brackets surround [ ]
exmap surround_curly_brackets surround { }
" NOTE: must use 'map' and not 'nmap'
map [[ :surround_wiki
nunmap s
vunmap s
map s" :surround_double_quotes
map s' :surround_single_quotes
map s` :surround_backticks
map sb :surround_brackets
map s( :surround_brackets
map s) :surround_brackets
map s[ :surround_square_brackets
map s[ :surround_square_brackets
map s{ :surround_curly_brackets
map s} :surround_curly_brackets
" Go to daily note (needs daily note plugin)
exmap godailynote obcommand daily-notes
nmap <Space>gd :godailynote
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