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nvim settings
This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters.
Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters
local fn = vim.fn | |
local api = vim.api | |
local executable = function(e) | |
return fn.executable(e) > 0 | |
end | |
local opts_info = vim.api.nvim_get_all_options_info() | |
local opt = setmetatable( | |
{}, { | |
__newindex = function(_, key, value) | |
vim.o[key] = value | |
local scope = opts_info[key].scope | |
if scope == 'win' then | |
vim.wo[key] = value | |
elseif scope == 'buf' then | |
vim.bo[key] = value | |
end | |
end | |
} | |
) | |
local function add(value, str, sep) | |
sep = sep or ',' | |
str = str or '' | |
value = type(value) == 'table' and table.concat(value, sep) or value | |
return str ~= '' and table.concat({ value, str }, sep) or value | |
end | |
-- Numbers {{{ | |
vim.o.number = true | |
vim.o.relativenumber = true | |
-- }}} | |
-- Message output on vim actions {{{ | |
vim.o.shortmess = table.concat( | |
{ | |
't', -- truncate file messages at start | |
'A', -- ignore annoying swap file messages | |
'o', -- file-read message overwrites previous | |
'O', -- file-read message overwrites previous | |
'T', -- truncate non-file messages in middle | |
'f', -- (file x of x) instead of just (x of x | |
'F', -- Don't give file info when editing a file | |
's', | |
'c', | |
'W' -- Dont show [w] or written when writing | |
} | |
) | |
-- }}} | |
-- Timings {{{ | |
vim.o.updatetime = 1000 | |
vim.o.timeout = true | |
vim.o.timeoutlen = 500 | |
vim.o.ttimeoutlen = 10 | |
-- }}} | |
-- Window splitting and buffers {{{ | |
opt.ruler = true | |
vim.o.hidden = true | |
vim.o.encoding = 'utf-8' | |
vim.o.fileencoding = 'utf-8' | |
vim.o.splitbelow = true | |
vim.o.splitright = true | |
vim.o.eadirection = 'hor' | |
vim.o.t_Co = '256' | |
-- exclude usetab as we do not want to jump to buffers in already open tabs | |
-- do not use split or vsplit to ensure we don't open any new windows | |
vim.o.switchbuf = 'useopen,uselast' | |
vim.o.fillchars = add { | |
'vert:▕', -- alternatives │ | |
'fold: ', | |
'eob: ', -- suppress ~ at EndOfBuffer | |
'diff:─', -- alternatives: ⣿ ░ | |
'msgsep:‾', | |
'foldopen:▾', | |
'foldsep:│', | |
'foldclose:▸' | |
} | |
-- }}} | |
-- Diff {{{ | |
-- Use in vertical diff mode, blank lines to keep sides aligned, Ignore whitespace changes | |
vim.o.diffopt = add( | |
{ | |
'vertical', | |
'iwhite', | |
'hiddenoff', | |
'foldcolumn:0', | |
'context:4', | |
'algorithm:histogram', | |
'indent-heuristic' | |
}, vim.o.diffopt | |
) | |
-- }}} | |
-- Format Options {{{ | |
opt.formatoptions = table.concat( | |
{ | |
'1', | |
'q', -- continue comments with gq" | |
'c', -- Auto-wrap comments using textwidth | |
'r', -- Continue comments when pressing Enter | |
'n', -- Recognize numbered lists | |
'2', -- Use indent from 2nd line of a paragraph | |
't', -- autowrap lines using text width value | |
'j', -- remove a comment leader when joining lines. | |
-- Only break if the line was not longer than 'textwidth' when the insert | |
-- started and only at a white character that has been entered during the | |
-- current insert command. | |
'lv' | |
} | |
) | |
-- }}} | |
-- Folds {{{ | |
vim.o.foldtext = 'v:lua.folds()' | |
vim.o.foldopen = add(vim.o.foldopen, 'search') | |
vim.o.foldlevel = 99 | |
vim.o.foldlevelstart = 10 | |
opt.foldmethod = 'syntax' | |
-- }}} | |
-- Grepprg {{{ | |
-- Use faster grep alternatives if possible | |
if executable('rg') then | |
vim.o.grepprg = | |
[[rg --hidden --glob "!.git" --no-heading --smart-case --vimgrep --follow $*]] | |
vim.o.grepformat = add('%f:%l:%c:%m', vim.o.grepformat) | |
elseif executable('ag') then | |
vim.o.grepprg = [[ag --nogroup --nocolor --vimgrep]] | |
vim.o.grepformat = add('%f:%l:%c:%m', vim.o.grepformat) | |
end | |
-- }}} | |
-- Wild and file globbing stuff in command mode {{{ | |
vim.o.wildcharm = api.nvim_eval([[char2nr("\<C-Z>")]]) -- FIXME: what's the correct way to do this? | |
vim.o.wildmenu = true | |
vim.o.wildmode = 'full' -- Shows a menu bar as opposed to an enormous list | |
vim.o.wildignorecase = true -- Ignore case when completing file names and directories | |
-- Binary | |
vim.o.wildignore = add { | |
'*.aux,*.out,*.toc', | |
'*.o,*.obj,*.dll,*.jar,*.pyc,*.rbc,*.class', | |
'*.ai,*.bmp,*.gif,*.ico,*.jpg,*.jpeg,*.png,*.psd,*.webp', | |
'*.avi,*.m4a,*.mp3,*.oga,*.ogg,*.wav,*.webm', | |
'*.eot,*.otf,*.ttf,*.woff', | |
'*.doc,*.pdf', | |
'*.zip,*.tar.gz,*.tar.bz2,*.rar,*.tar.xz', | |
-- Cache | |
'.sass-cache', | |
'*/vendor/gems/*,*/vendor/cache/*,*/.bundle/*,*.gem', | |
-- Temp/System | |
'*.*~,*~ ', | |
'*.swp,.lock,.DS_Store,._*,tags.lock' | |
} | |
vim.o.wildoptions = 'pum' | |
vim.o.pumblend = 3 -- Make popup window translucent | |
-- }}} | |
-- Display {{{ | |
opt.conceallevel = 2 | |
opt.breakindentopt = 'sbr' | |
opt.linebreak = true -- lines wrap at words rather than random characters | |
opt.synmaxcol = 1024 -- don't syntax highlight long lines | |
opt.signcolumn = 'yes:2' | |
opt.colorcolumn = '+1' -- Set the colour column to highlight one column after the 'textwidth' | |
vim.o.cmdheight = 2 -- Set command line height to two lines | |
vim.o.showbreak = [[↪ ]] -- Options include -> '…', '↳ ', '→','↪ ' | |
vim.g.vimsyn_embed = 'lPr' -- allow embedded syntax highlighting for lua,python and ruby | |
-- }}} | |
-- List chars {{{ | |
vim.o.list = true -- invisible chars | |
vim.o.listchars = add { | |
'eol: ', | |
'tab:│ ', | |
'extends:›', -- Alternatives: … » | |
'precedes:‹', -- Alternatives: … « | |
'trail:•' -- BULLET (U+2022, UTF-8: E2 80 A2) | |
} | |
-- }}} | |
-- Indentation {{{ | |
opt.wrap = true | |
opt.wrapmargin = 2 | |
opt.softtabstop = 2 | |
opt.textwidth = 80 | |
opt.shiftwidth = 2 | |
opt.expandtab = true | |
opt.smarttab = true | |
opt.autoindent = true | |
opt.smartindent = true | |
opt.breakindent = true | |
vim.o.shiftround = true | |
vim.o.joinspaces = false | |
vim.o.gdefault = true | |
vim.o.pumheight = 15 | |
vim.o.confirm = true -- make vim prompt me to save before doing destructive things | |
vim.o.completeopt = add { 'menuone', 'noinsert', 'noselect' } | |
vim.o.hlsearch = true | |
vim.o.autowriteall = true -- automatically :write before running commands and changing files | |
vim.o.clipboard = 'unnamedplus' | |
vim.o.lazyredraw = true | |
vim.o.laststatus = 2 | |
vim.o.showtabline = 2 | |
vim.o.cursorline = true | |
vim.o.ttyfast = true | |
vim.o.belloff = 'all' | |
vim.o.termguicolors = true | |
vim.o.background = 'dark' | |
vim.o.showmode = false | |
vim.o.showcmd = false | |
vim.o.backup = false | |
vim.o.writebackup = false | |
vim.o.visualbell = true | |
vim.o.errorbells = false | |
-- }}} | |
-- Emoji {{{1 | |
-- emoji is true by default but makes (n)vim treat all emoji as double width | |
-- which breaks rendering so we turn this off. | |
-- CREDIT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F91VWOelFNE | |
vim.o.emoji = false | |
-- }}} | |
-- Title {{{ | |
vim.o.titlestring = ' ❐ %t %r %m' | |
vim.o.titleold = '%{fnamemodify(getcwd(), ":t")}' | |
vim.o.title = true | |
vim.o.titlelen = 70 | |
-- }}} | |
-- Utilities {{{ | |
vim.o.showmode = false | |
vim.o.sessionoptions = add { | |
'globals', | |
'buffers', | |
'curdir', | |
'tabpages', | |
'help', | |
'winpos' | |
} | |
vim.o.viewoptions = add { 'cursor', 'folds', 'slash', 'unix' } -- save/restore just these (with `:{mk,load}view`) | |
vim.o.virtualedit = 'block' -- allow cursor to move where there is no text in visual block mode | |
vim.o.dictionary = '/usr/share/dict/words' | |
vim.o.inccommand = 'split' | |
-- This is from the help docs, it enables mode shapes, "Cursor" highlight, and blinking | |
vim.o.guicursor = table.concat( | |
{ | |
[[n-v-c:block,i-ci-ve:ver25,r-cr:hor20,o:hor50]], | |
[[a:blinkwait700-blinkoff400-blinkon250-Cursor/lCursor]], | |
[[sm:block-blinkwait175-blinkoff150-blinkon175]] | |
}, ',' | |
) | |
vim.o.autoread = true | |
vim.o.mat = 2 | |
vim.o.history = 1000 | |
vim.o.swapfile = false | |
vim.o.backspace = add { 'indent', 'eol', 'start' } | |
vim.o.path = table.concat({ '**' }) | |
vim.o.tags = table.concat({ './tags', 'tags:$HOME' }) | |
-- }}} | |
vim.o.swapfile = false | |
vim.o.backup = false | |
vim.o.writebackup = false | |
if fn.isdirectory(vim.o.undodir) == 0 then | |
fn.mkdir(vim.o.undodir, 'p') | |
end | |
opt.undofile = true | |
-- }}} | |
-- Match and search {{{ | |
vim.o.showmatch = true | |
vim.o.magic = true | |
vim.o.ignorecase = true | |
vim.o.smartcase = true | |
vim.o.incsearch = true | |
vim.o.wrapscan = true -- Searches wrap around the end of the file | |
vim.o.scrolloff = 9 | |
vim.o.sidescrolloff = 10 | |
vim.o.sidescroll = 1 | |
-- }}} | |
-- Spelling {{{ | |
vim.o.spellsuggest = add(12, vim.o.spellsuggest) | |
vim.o.spelloptions = 'camel' | |
vim.o.spellcapcheck = '' -- don't check for capital letters at start of sentence | |
vim.o.fileformats = 'unix,mac,dos' | |
vim.o.complete = add('kspell', vim.o.complete) | |
-- }}} | |
-- Mouse {{{ | |
vim.o.mouse = 'a' | |
vim.o.mousefocus = true | |
-- FIXME - these don't work in lua | |
-- vim.o.mousehide = true -- Raise issue on Neovim as this errors | |
-- }}} | |
-- these only read ".vim" files {{{ | |
vim.o.secure = true -- Disable autocmd etc for project local vimrc files. | |
vim.o.exrc = true -- Allow project local vimrc files example .nvimrc see :h exrc | |
-- }}} | |
-- Git editor {{{ | |
if executable('nvr') then | |
vim.env.GIT_EDITOR = 'nvr -cc split --remote-wait +\'set bufhidden=wipe\'' | |
vim.env.EDITOR = 'nvr -cc split --remote-wait +\'set bufhidden=wipe\'' | |
end | |
-- }}} | |
-- vim:foldmethod=marker |
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