Use CRA to get you going.
$ npx create-react-app component-library
You're going to want styleguidist. Follow the instructions here.
Add .babelrc file to the root of your library.
"presets": ["react-app"]
Modify your package.json.
"main": "dist/index.js",
"scripts": {
"build": "rm -rf dist && NODE_ENV=production babel src --out-dir dist --copy-files --ignore __tests__,spec.js,test.js,__snapshots__,*.md",
This basically builds and moves your components to a dist folder for publishing. We are also registering your entry point into the application as 'dist/index.js'.
You can remove App.js since we won't be using it in the library. Create a 'components' folder inside 'src'. Create any subsequent components in their own folder inside components.
- src
- components
- button
- card
- blah
- components
In 'src/index.js' you'll want to export your components as this is now your main script.
import "./global.css";
export { default as Card } from "./components/card";
export { default as Button } from "./components/button";
Write your tests and components at an atomic level.
To build the library run:
$ npm run build
Finished? Ready to publish? Let's test it locally first...
Within the project folder run the following command:
$ npm link
In the project you're wanting to utilize your newly minted component library run:
$ npm link component-library
Replace 'component-library' with whatever you list on your package.json as the name of the library.
This will create a symlink locally from your library to the node_modules folder of the project that is utilizing the component library. Get your app up and running and then import your components from your component library.
import { Button } from 'component-library';
// in your render function
render() {
return <Button />
Pretty neat.
Publish it to the world using:
$ npm publish