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Created March 5, 2016 13:51
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Fix of Banno/packer-post-processor-vsphere-ova
#!/bin/bash -eux
# This script fix an issue in
# name of my builder in packer.json is virtualbox-vsphere
ova_file=`ls ${dir}/*.ova | awk -F"/" '{ print $2 }' | sed 's/.ova//'`
tar xvf ${dir}/${ova_file}.ova -C ${dir}
ovf_file=`ls ${dir}/*.ovf`
# Set the correct OS Version for vSphere, otherwise it gets imported as Other (32-bit) which is neither Windows nor Linux
sed -i '' 's/ovf:id="80"/ovf:id="107" vmw:osType="centos64Guest"/' ${ovf_file}
# Add Virtual CDROM
cat > /tmp/esxi-cdrom << 'EOF'
<Item ovf:required="false">
<rasd:ElementName>CD-ROM 1</rasd:ElementName>
<vmw:Config ovf:required="false" vmw:key="backing.exclusive" vmw:value="false" />
line_number=`grep -n "</System>" ${ovf_file} | awk -F":" '{ print $1 }'`
sed -i '' ''$line_number'r /tmp/esxi-cdrom' ${ovf_file}
rm -fv /tmp/esxi-cdrom
rm -fv ${dir}/${ova_file}.ova
# Generating new ${ova_file}.ova"
ovftool ${dir}/${ova_file}.ovf ${dir}/${ova_file}.ova && sleep 1
cp -v ${dir}/${ova_file}.ova /MY_STUFF/SourceTree/vagrant-packer-ansible && sleep 1
rm -fv ${dir}/*.vmdk ${dir}/*.ovf
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