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Created October 20, 2016 17:12
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add_filter('woocommerce_paypal_supported_currencies', 'add_aed_paypal_valid_currency');
function add_aed_paypal_valid_currency($currencies)
array_push($currencies, 'INR'); /* YOUR CURRENCY */
return $currencies;
function woocommerce_paypal_args_for_inr($paypal_args)
if ($paypal_args['currency_code'] == 'INR') {
$convert_rate = getFromYahoo();
$count = 1;
while (isset($paypal_args['amount_' . $count])) {
$paypal_args['amount_' . $count] = round($paypal_args['amount_' . $count] / $convert_rate, 2);
if (isset($paypal_args['tax_cart'])) {
$paypal_args['tax_cart'] = round($paypal_args['tax_cart'] / $convert_rate, 2);
if (isset($paypal_args['shipping_1'])) {
$paypal_args['shipping_1'] = round($paypal_args['shipping_1'] / $convert_rate, 2);
return $paypal_args;
add_filter('woocommerce_paypal_args', 'woocommerce_paypal_args_for_inr');
function getFromYahoo()
$from = 'USD'; /*change it to your required currencies */
$to = 'INR';
$url = '' . $from . $to . '=X';
$handle = @fopen($url, 'r');
if ($handle) {
$result = fgets($handle, 4096);
$allData = explode(',', $result); /* Get all the contents to an array */
return $allData[1];
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