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php torrent seed+leeches http udp
class Torrent
public function scrape(array $announce = [ ] , $hash_info = null)
$r = [
'seeders' => 0 ,
'leechers' => 0
foreach ( $announce as $an ) {
$d = get_remote_peers($an , $hash_info);
if ( isset($d['seeders']) ) {
$r['seeders'] += $d['seeders'];
if ( isset($d['leechers']) ) {
$r['leechers'] += $d['leechers'];
return $r;
* Gets amout of remote tracker peers. May be recursivity.
* @param string $url Announce url of request
* @param string $info_hash Info-hash of torrent to be parsed
* @param string $method Method of gathering amount of peers. May be scrape or announce. Default 'scrape'. If scrape fails, recursivety swithes to announce and executes again.
* @return array Result array ('tracker','seeders','leechers','state');
function get_remote_peers($url , $info_hash , $method = 'scrape')
if ( $method == "announce" ) {
$get_params = array(
"info_hash" => pack("H*" , $info_hash) ,
"peer_id" => "-UT1820-5dmPcUOYGnrx" ,
"port" => rand(10000 , 65535) ,
"uploaded" => 0 ,
"no_peer_id" => 1 ,
"downloaded" => 0 ,
"compact" => 1 ,
"left" => 1 ,
"numwant" => 9999
} else {
$urlorig = $url;
$url = str_replace('announce' , 'scrape' , $url);
$get_params = array(
"info_hash" => pack("H*" , $info_hash)
$urlInfo = @parse_url($url);
$http_host = $urlInfo['host'];
$http_port = getUrlPort($urlInfo);
$scheme = $urlInfo['scheme'];
if ( $http_port === 0 ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:no_port_detected' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'N/A' );
$http_path = $urlInfo['path'];
$get_request_params = @explode('&' , $urlInfo['query']);
$new_get_request_params = false;
foreach ( array_filter($get_request_params) as $array_value ) {
list($key , $value) = explode('=' , $array_value);
$new_get_request_params[$key] = $value;
if ( !$new_get_request_params ) {
$new_get_request_params = array();
// Params gathering complete
// Creating params
$http_params = @http_build_query(@array_merge($new_get_request_params , $get_params));
$opts = array(
$scheme => array(
'method' => 'GET' ,
'header' => 'User-Agent: uTorrent/1820' ,
'timeout' => 3
//'Accept: text/html, image/gif, image/jpeg, *; q=.2, */*; q=.2',
$req_uri = $scheme . '://' . $http_host . ':' . $http_port . $http_path . ($http_params ? '?' . $http_params : '');
if ( $scheme == 'udp' && $method == 'scrape' ) {
$transaction_id = mt_rand(0 , 65535);
$fp = @fsockopen($scheme . '://' . $http_host , $http_port , $errno , $errstr); //sockets only
if ( !$fp ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:timeout' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
stream_set_timeout($fp , 3);
$current_connid = "\x00\x00\x04\x17\x27\x10\x19\x80";
//Connection request
$packet = $current_connid . pack("N" , 0) . pack("N" , $transaction_id);
fwrite($fp , $packet);
//Connection response
$ret = fread($fp , 16);
if ( strlen($ret) < 1 ) {
return get_remote_peers($urlorig , $info_hash , "announce");
if ( strlen($ret) < 16 ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_packet' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$retd = unpack("Naction/Ntransid" , $ret);
if ( $retd['action'] != 0 || $retd['transid'] != $transaction_id ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_response' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$current_connid = substr($ret , 8 , 8);
//Scrape request
$packet = $current_connid . pack("N" , 2) . pack("N" , $transaction_id) . pack('H*' , $info_hash);
fwrite($fp , $packet);
//Scrape response
$readlength = 20; //8 + (12);
$ret = fread($fp , $readlength);
if ( strlen($ret) < 1 ) {
return get_remote_peers($urlorig , $info_hash , "announce");
if ( strlen($ret) < 8 ) {
array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_packet' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$retd = unpack("Naction/Ntransid" , $ret);
// Todo check for error string if response = 3
if ( $retd['action'] != 2 || $retd['transid'] != $transaction_id ) {
array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_response' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
if ( strlen($ret) < $readlength ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_packet' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$index = 8;
$retd = unpack("Nseeders/Ncompleted/Nleechers" , substr($ret , $index , 12));
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'seeders' => $retd['seeders'] , 'leechers' => $retd['leechers'] , 'state' => 'ok' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
} elseif ( $scheme == 'udp' && $method == 'announce' ) {
$transaction_id = mt_rand(0 , 65535);
$fp = @fsockopen($scheme . '://' . $http_host , $http_port , $errno , $errstr); //sockets only
if ( !$fp ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:timeout' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
stream_set_timeout($fp , 3);
$current_connid = "\x00\x00\x04\x17\x27\x10\x19\x80";
//Connection request
$packet = $current_connid . pack("N" , 0) . pack("N" , $transaction_id);
fwrite($fp , $packet);
//Connection response
$ret = fread($fp , 16);
if ( strlen($ret) < 1 ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:no_udp_data' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
if ( strlen($ret) < 16 ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_packet' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$retd = unpack("Naction/Ntransid" , $ret);
if ( $retd['action'] != 0 || $retd['transid'] != $transaction_id ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_response' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$current_connid = substr($ret , 8 , 8);
//Announce request
$downloaded = "\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30\x30";
$left = $downloaded;
$uploaded = $downloaded;
$packet = $current_connid . pack("N" , 1) . pack("N" , $transaction_id) . pack('H*' , $info_hash) . pack(
'H*' ,
) . $downloaded . $left . $uploaded . pack("N" , 2) . pack("N" , ip2long($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'])) . pack("N" , 69) . pack("N" , 500) . pack("N" , rand(0 , 65535));
fwrite($fp , $packet);
//Announce response
$readlength = 20; //8 + (12);
$ret = fread($fp , $readlength);
if ( strlen($ret) < 1 ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:no_udp_data' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
if ( strlen($ret) < $readlength ) {
array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_packet' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$retd = unpack("Naction/Ntransid" , $ret);
// Todo check for error string if response = 3
if ( $retd['action'] != 2 || $retd['transid'] != $transaction_id ) {
array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:invalid_udp_response' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
$index = 8;
$retd = unpack("Nleechers/Nseeders" , substr($ret , $index , 8));
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'seeders' => $retd['seeders'] , 'leechers' => $retd['leechers'] , 'state' => 'ok' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => 'socket' );
} elseif ( function_exists('curl_init') ) {
if ( $ch = @curl_init() ) {
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_URL , $req_uri);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_PORT , $http_port);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_HEADER , false);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION , true);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , true);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , 3);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_BUFFERSIZE , 1000);
@curl_setopt($ch , CURLOPT_USERAGENT , 'uTorrent/1820');
$result = @curl_exec($ch);
$remote_method = 'curl';
} elseif ( function_exists('fsockopen') ) {
if ( $fp = fsockopen($http_host , preg_replace("#[\D]#i" , "" , $http_port) , $errno , $errstr , 3) ) {
$h = "GET " . $http_path . ($http_params ? '?' . $http_params : '') . " HTTP/1.0\r\n";
$h .= "Host: {$http_host}\r\n";
$h .= "Connection: close\r\n";
$h .= "User-Agent: uTorrent/1820\r\n\r\n";
fputs($fp , $h);
$buff = '';
while ( !feof($fp) ) {
$buff .= fgets($fp , 128);
if ( $buff ) {
$data = explode("\r\n\r\n" , $buff);
$result = $data[1];
$remote_method = 'socket';
} elseif ( function_exists('file_get_contents') && ini_get('allow_url_fopen') == 1 ) {
$context = @stream_context_create($opts);
$result = @file_get_contents($req_uri , false , $context);
$remote_method = 'file';
if ( !$result ) {
if ( $method == 'scrape' ) {
return get_remote_peers($urlorig , $info_hash , "announce");
} else {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:no_benc_result_or_timeout' , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => $remote_method );
$resulttemp = $result;
$result = bdec($result);
if ( !is_array($result) ) {
return array( 'tracker' => $http_host , 'state' => 'failed:unable_to_bdec:' . $resulttemp , 'method' => "$scheme:$method" , 'remote_method' => $remote_method );
// print('<pre>'); var_dump($result);
if ( $method == 'scrape' ) {
if ( $result['value']['files']['value'] ) {
$peersarray = @array_shift($result['value']['files']['value']);
return array(
'tracker' => $http_host ,
'seeders' => $peersarray['value']['complete']['value'] ,
'leechers' => $peersarray['value']['incomplete']['value'] ,
'state' => check_fail($result) ,
'method' => "$scheme:$method" ,
'remote_method' => $remote_method
} else {
return get_remote_peers($urlorig , $info_hash , "announce");
if ( $method == 'announce' ) {
return array(
'tracker' => $http_host ,
'seeders' => (is_array($result['value']['peers']['value']) ? count($result['value']['peers']['value']) : (strlen($result['value']['peers']['value']) / 6)) ,
'leechers' => 0 ,
'state' => check_fail($result) ,
'method' => "$scheme:$method" ,
'remote_method' => $remote_method
* Gets port from adress
* @param string $urlInfo URL to be parsed
* @return int Port
function getUrlPort($urlInfo)
if ( isset($urlInfo['port']) ) {
$port = $urlInfo['port'];
} else { // no port specified; get default port
if ( isset($urlInfo['scheme']) ) {
switch ( $urlInfo['scheme'] ) {
case 'http':
$port = 80; // default for http
case 'udp': //default for udp
$port = 80;
case 'https':
$port = 443; // default for https
$port = 0; // error; unsupported scheme
} else {
$port = 80; // error; unknown scheme, using default 80 port
return $port;
* Binary decodes a Value
* @param string $s Value to be decoded
* @return array Decoded value
function bdec($s)
if ( preg_match('/^(\d+):/' , $s , $m) ) {
$l = $m[1];
$pl = strlen($l) + 1;
$v = substr($s , $pl , $l);
$ss = substr($s , 0 , $pl + $l);
if ( strlen($v) != $l ) {
return array( 'type' => "string" , 'value' => $v , 'strlen' => strlen($ss) , 'string' => $ss );
if ( preg_match('/^i(-?\d+)e/' , $s , $m) ) {
$v = $m[1];
$ss = "i" . $v . "e";
if ( $v === "-0" ) {
if ( $v[0] == "0" && strlen($v) != 1 ) {
return array( 'type' => "integer" , 'value' => $v , 'strlen' => strlen($ss) , 'string' => $ss );
switch ( $s[0] ) {
case "l":
return bdec_list($s);
case "d":
return bdec_dict($s);
* Binary decodes a dictionary
* @param string $s Dictionary to be decoded
* @return array Decoded dictionary
function bdec_dict($s)
if ( $s[0] != "d" ) {
$sl = strlen($s);
$i = 1;
$v = array();
$ss = "d";
for ( ; ; ) {
if ( $i >= $sl ) {
if ( $s[$i] == "e" ) {
$ret = bdec(substr($s , $i));
if ( !isset($ret) || !is_array($ret) || $ret["type"] != "string" ) {
$k = $ret["value"];
$i += $ret["strlen"];
$ss .= $ret["string"];
if ( $i >= $sl ) {
$ret = bdec(substr($s , $i));
if ( !isset($ret) || !is_array($ret) ) {
$v[$k] = $ret;
$i += $ret["strlen"];
$ss .= $ret["string"];
$ss .= "e";
return array( 'type' => "dictionary" , 'value' => $v , 'strlen' => strlen($ss) , 'string' => $ss );
* Checks that tracker returns failed event.
* @param string $result Bencoded result to be parsed
* @return string String to be used in remote tracker statistics
function check_fail($result)
if ( isset($result['value']['failure reason']['value']) ) {
return 'failed:' . $result['value']['failure reason']['value'];
} elseif ( is_array($result) ) {
return 'failed';
} else {
return 'ok';
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