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Vinayak Hegde vinayakh

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bergantine / gist:1119284
Last active June 4, 2022 16:42
Python Random Password Generator (One Liner). #python #password
python -c "from random import choice; print ''.join([choice('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789%^*(-_=+)') for i in range(32)])"

Build your own private, encrypted, open-source Dropbox-esque sync folder


  • One or more clients running a UNIX-like OS. Examples are given for Ubuntu 12.04 LTS, although all software components are available for other platforms as well (e.g. OS X). YMMV
  • A cheap Ubuntu 12.04 VPS with storage. I recommend Backupsy, they offer 250GB storage for $5/month. Ask Google for coupon codes.

Software components used:

  • Unison for file synchronization
  • EncFS for folder encryption
# load USA state-level spatial data
# download from
# click the 'download' tab
# select county = 'united states', file format = 'R', click ok
# download 'level 1' for state-level data
debasishg / gist:8172796
Last active February 28, 2025 20:43
A collection of links for streaming algorithms and data structures

General Background and Overview

  1. Probabilistic Data Structures for Web Analytics and Data Mining : A great overview of the space of probabilistic data structures and how they are used in approximation algorithm implementation.
  2. Models and Issues in Data Stream Systems
  3. Philippe Flajolet’s contribution to streaming algorithms : A presentation by Jérémie Lumbroso that visits some of the hostorical perspectives and how it all began with Flajolet
  4. Approximate Frequency Counts over Data Streams by Gurmeet Singh Manku & Rajeev Motwani : One of the early papers on the subject.
  5. [Methods for Finding Frequent Items in Data Streams](
oleynikd /
Last active June 25, 2018 16:43
Amazon AWS (Amazon Linux AMI) Duplicity via Duply Backups to S3 installation and setup

Installing on Amazon Linux AMI (release 2014.09)

Installing using yum. By default Amazon Linux AMI release has only AWS's yum repos, but it has EPEL (Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux) predefined but not enabled. To temporarily enable the EPEL 6 repository, use the yum command line option --enablerepo=epel.

Installing duplicity and dependencies:

sudo yum install duplicity rsync gpg python python-devel python-pip --enablerepo=epel

Insalling duply manually (latest version can be found here):

noamross / base_r_plotting_tutorial_koontz_d-rug.r
Created April 24, 2015 17:34
Back to basics: High quality plots using base R graphics
### Title: Back to basics: High quality plots using base R graphics
### An interactive tutorial for the Davis R Users Group meeting on April 24, 2015
### Date created: 20150418
### Last updated: 20150423
### Author: Michael Koontz
### Email: [email protected]
### Twitter: @michaeljkoontz
mnot /
Last active November 5, 2024 06:22
Transcript of Edward Snowden's comments at IETF93.
rvanbruggen / 1-loadolympics.cql
Last active August 25, 2016 17:00
Olympic Medallists
create index on :Country(name);
create index on :City(name);
create index on :Sport(name);
create index on :Discipline(name);
create index on :Athlete(name);
create index on :Event(name);
create index on :Year(name);
create index on :Gender(name);
create constraint on (c:Country) assert c.noc is unique;

Visa requirements for UK conferences.

First you'll want to check if you need a visa to enter the UK.

  • Nationals of the EU, Switzerland, and EEA countries will not need a visa, and are free to work and conduct business in the UK.
  • Nationals from some designated countries such as USA may travel for tourist or business purposes under a visa exemption. The link above will detail what documents you need to provide in order to travel under a visa exemption.
  • Other nationals will need a visa.

The rules for allowable business travel under a visa exemption are covered by the same rules as those travelling under a vistor visa. If you will be travelling under a visa-exemption and the conference is covering your costs in any way you should make sure to read the relevant section below.

modprobe -r ec_sys
modprobe ec_sys write_support=1
echo -n -e $1 | dd of="/sys/kernel/debug/ec/ec0/io" bs=1 seek=12 count=1 conv=notrunc 2> /dev/null