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Created June 8, 2014 10:12
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Some Utility methods for Google's Android Map SDK
* Returns the center of a map
* @param map The map to fetch the center location of
* @return The center of the map
public static Location getCenterLocationOfMap(final GoogleMap map) {
final LatLng latLng = map.getCameraPosition().target;
final Location location = new Location(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER);
return location;
* From the center point of the map, caculate the shortest radius(in metres)
* depending on the whether the {@link MapView} is in portrait/landscape
* orientation
* @param map The {@link MapView} to calculate the radius from
* @return The shortest radius(in metres), or 0 of the map is not intialized
public static float getShortestRadiusFromCenter(final MapView mapView) {
float radius = 0.0f;
final GoogleMap map = mapView.getMap();
if (map != null) {
// To hold the coordinates of the center line of the map
Point[] screenCenterEdgePoints = null;
screenCenterEdgePoints = getShorterDimensionEdgePoints(mapView);
final Location[] locations = getLocationsFromPoints(map, screenCenterEdgePoints);
if (locations.length == 2) {
radius = distanceBetween(locations[0], locations[1]);
Logger.v(TAG, "Distance Calculated: %f", radius);
return radius;
* Gets the distance between two Locations(in metres)
* @param start The start location
* @param end The end location
* @return The distance between two locations(in metres)
public static float distanceBetween(final Location start, final Location end) {
final float[] results = new float[1];
Location.distanceBetween(start.getLatitude(), start.getLongitude(), end
.getLatitude(), end.getLongitude(), results);
return results[0];
* Takes an array of points(in screen pixels) and converts them into
* Location objects on the Map
* @param map {@link Map} reference on which the points are calculated
* @param points The {@link Point}s to convert to {@link Location}s
* @return An array of {@link Location}s with a 1-to-1 mapping between the
* input points
public static Location[] getLocationsFromPoints(final GoogleMap map,
final Point[] points) {
final Location[] locations = new Location[points.length];
for (int i = 0; i < points.length; i++) {
locations[i] = pointToLocation(map, points[i]);
return locations;
* Converts a {@link Point}(in screen pixels) into a {@link Location} using
* the provided {@link GoogleMap}
* @param map A {@link GoogleMap} instance
* @param point The {@link Point} in the MapView, in screen pixels
* @return A {@link Location} object
public static Location pointToLocation(final GoogleMap map,
final Point point) {
final LatLng latLng = map.getProjection().fromScreenLocation(point);
final Location location = new Location(LocationManager.PASSIVE_PROVIDER);
if (latLng != null) {
Logger.v(TAG, "Converted Point %s to Location %s", point.toString(), location
return location;
* @param view the view to get the edges of
* @return The edges(in screen coordinates) of the shortest dimension of the
* view. If in landscape, the points will be returned as top,
* bottom. Otherwise left, right
public static Point[] getShorterDimensionEdgePoints(final View view) {
final Point[] edgePoints = new Point[2];
final int viewTop = view.getTop();
final int viewBottom = view.getBottom();
final int viewLeft = view.getLeft();
final int viewRight = view.getRight();
Logger.v(TAG, "Left %d, Top %d, Right %d, Bottom %d", viewLeft, viewTop, viewRight, viewBottom);
if (isViewInLandscape(view)) {
final int centerX = (viewRight - viewLeft) / 2;
edgePoints[0] = new Point(centerX, viewTop);
edgePoints[1] = new Point(centerX, viewBottom);
Logger.v(TAG, "Landscape Edge: %s, %s", edgePoints[0].toString(), edgePoints[1]
} else {
final int centerY = (viewBottom - viewTop) / 2;
edgePoints[0] = new Point(viewLeft, centerY);
edgePoints[1] = new Point(viewRight, centerY);
Logger.v(TAG, "Portrait Edge: %s, %s", edgePoints[0].toString(), edgePoints[1]
return edgePoints;
* @return <code>true</code> if view is in landscape mode,
* <code>false</code> if it is in portrait mode
public static boolean isViewInLandscape(final View view) {
return view.getWidth() >= view.getHeight();
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